February 1663

Thomas Walmsley ??? ???
Thomas Arkwright Jacob Hodgkinson currier
Jacob Townend? Edward Graddell
John Cadman Edward Dawson
Jacob Whalley Chrofer Santer
Nicholas Mitton Thomas Grigson
Henry Graddell Edward Oram
Richard Tysing  


1. Ye severall owners of ye timber lyinge at the side of ye Churchwall & Mr Piggott Breekewall yt the same be removed according to the last Guild order upon ye penalty therein Specifyed. And that the owners of the dunge wch lyeth there shall remove the same accordinge to the last Guild Order upon the penalty therein Specified.

2. Those sevrall psons followinge that they remove theire Middings behinde the Churchgate barrs before the 10th of May upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece. Dorothy Twisleton, Robte Baley, Lawrence Bostocke, Edward Rigby Esqre, Mr James Hodgkinson.

3. Mr James Hodgkinson shall scowre his ditch all alonge his ffield side in Ribleton lane at or before ye 25th of March upon paine of vjs. viijd.

4. Mr James Hodgkinson shall scowre his ditch all alonge the side of the longe acre in Brockhall lane before ye 25th of March upon paine of vjs. viijd.

5. The supvisors to Repaire Swillbrooke lane & the Cawsey away at Salters house before ye first day of June upon paine of xxs.

6. That the supvisors shall repaire the broadgate lane and winde and Stake at needfull places and shall winde & stake at the bridge at the broadgate end and cause the lande to be ffiled upp wth gravell before the 24th of June upon paine of vjs. viijd.

7. Thomas Cowpe that he scowre his ditch at the west end of Lancaster meadow in the north meadowe laine at or before the ffiffteenth day of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

8. That Thomas Birches Scowre his ditch at the East end of his Croft in north meadow lane before the ffiffteenth of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

9. Edward Taylor that he scowre his ditch at the End of St Mary Acre in the North meadowe lane before the ffifteenth of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

10. Mr Seth Blackhurst to open his platt at the higher end of the hopgreave in broadgate lane before the first of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

11. That Henry Chorley doe open his platt & scowre his ditch at the higher end of his ffeild in the broadgate Lane before the first of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

12. Mr John Langton doe scowre his ditch alonge the lane side anenste to the milne before the 25th of March upon paine of vjs. viijd.

13. These sevrall psons ffollowing & to remove theise middings before the 10th of May upon paine of vjs viijd a piece.

14. That the Supvizors of the highway repaire the Cawsey way in ffishergate Laine & winde & Stake anenst the Garner? & other places where is needfull that the water may have its usuall Corse before the first of June upon paine of xxs.

15. Martin Maborye, Robte Hesketh, John Willasie and John Place that they remove theire middinge fforth of the Streete above the ffishergate barrs accordinge to the last Guild order upon the penalty therein Specifyed.

16. John Higham shall scowre his ditch & cutt his wood at ye north End of the Alleye lane to his owne yate before ye 25th of March upon paine of vjs. viijd.

17. Yt the said John Higham shall cutt his wood & paire his Coppe halfe a yard at one other Croft at ye South end of the said Alley lane before ye 25th of March upon like paine of vjs. viijd.

18. John Woods shall Scowre his ditch a longe at ye East End of ye Sinklinge? Sykes to ye watercourse and to open a wide Gripp through ye midst of ye Sykes before ye 25th of March upon paine of vjs. viijd.

19. John Holmes yt he paire his Coppe & cutt his wood at the bottom of the viccar greave & to turne the water under ye bottom of welshman browe in its usuall Corse before ye 25th of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

20. The nowe Ballives have not accordinge to ye 20th prsentmt of ye last Leete to sett Stoopes and Railes at Davell Bridge upon ye Marsh for ye prservacon of ye Ramp and yt they have fforfeited ye same of vjs. viijd. & that they shall sett stoopes & Railes there before ye 25t of March upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

21. Ye said Balives yt they repaire ye Coales upon ye marsh wch are in decay before ye ffirst of June upon paine of xxs.

22. Yt Thomas Walmesley ye younger remove his middinge wch lyeth neare unto ye pinfolds before ye 1st of May upon paine of vjs. viijd.

23. That ye supvizors doe mend ye Cawseyway leadinge towards ye pinfolds before ye 1st day of June upon paine of xiijs.iiijd.

24. Yt Mr Thomas Sumpner remove his midding wch lyeth over agt Mr Preston barne before ye 10th of May upon paine of vjs. viijd.

25. Thomas Birches yt he Scowre his ditch all a longe ye west side of ye Lawe? bancke at or before ye 15th of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

26. Walter Myers, Roger Myers, John Myers, widd Wooddcraste, John Harrison yt they putt in theire rubbage & ffill upp where they have cast breeke ye last yeare before ye 1st of May upon paine of vjs viijd apiece.

27. Ye sevrall psons hereunder named to remove theire middings in St Johns weend & ye weend Leading to ye Church before the 10th of May upon paine of vjs viijd apiece.

Ric: Thorpe, Widd Shorrocke, Allexr Jolleye, Mr Willm Sudell, Tho: ffoole, Mr Ja: Hodgkinson, Rob: Clarkson, Jo: Salter Cowp?, Mr Jo: Cottam, Edw: Dawson, Will Harrison, Mrs Preston, Jo: Thorpe, Mr Edw Rigby, Will: Merton jun, Tho: Ordes, Mrs Joane Wall, Mr Will Wall, Elliz Wakefeilde, John Sumpner, John Miller, John Woods.

28. Nicholas Watson for layinge his Timbr in the streete & contrary to ye last Guild order & to be removed upon penalty therein specified & yt he fforbeare to lay anymore timber there upon penalty affeare said.

29. John Smith Millner & Thomas Comberall that they remove theire heaps of dunge out of ye street behind the ffriergate barrs wch lyeth over agt Thomas Combrall doore before ye xxth of April upon paine of vjs viijd.

30. Yt Thomas Wallmesley ye younger shall remove his heapes of dunge wch lyeth over agt his barne side behinde the ffriergate barrs before the ffiffteenth of Aprill upon paine of vjs. viijd.

31. Ye now Balives yt they have not repaired ye Key leadinge to ye boate accordinge to ye 3rd prsentmt of ye last Leete & that they have fforfeited ye Sume of vjs. viijd. & yt they shall putt ye said Key in Sufficient Repare before ye xvth of May upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

32. Yt George Woodhouse hath not repaired ye walls of his seller Staires accordinge to ye eight prsentmt of ye last Leete & yt hee hath fforfeited vjs. viijd. & he shall suffficiently repaire the said walls before ye xxiiijth of June upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

33. William Wearden ye younger hath incroached at his new buildinge at his seller staires ffourse ffoote in breadth & 4 ffoote & six inches in length & Erected railes 4 yeards in Length & ffoure ffoote in breadth & Errected likewise railes be fore his old buildinge 2 yeards in Length & one in breadth therefore to be rented by Mr Maior & his brethren as they think ffitt.

34. Yt Henry Graistocke hath incroached at the marsh side upon ye townes waste wth one caste or swine Coate beinge 2 yeards in breadth & 2 yeards & a half in length therefore to be rented by the Maior & his Councell.

35. Edward Osbaldeston hath Errected & builded a Smithy upon ye townes waste wthout ye privity & consent of the Maior Balives & Burgesses of this Burroughe contrary to a Guild order & that the same shall be rented by the Maior & his Councell.

36. Henry Blackhurst hath made an incroachement at his new house in Church Streete by makeinge a paire of seller staires wch are 4 foote & 6 inches in breadth & 2 yards & 5 inches in length & hitherto hath not beene rented therefore wee refferr ye same to ye Maior & his Councell.

37. Mr Seth Mort yt he erect & build a barne wch is fallen downe in St Johns weends at or before ye 15th of August next upon paine of 40s.

38. Abell Mosse hath Erected a Swine coate upon ye townes waste on Spittle Mosse therefore ye same to be rented by Mr Maior & his Councell.

39. John Barker hath Incroached at ye end of his dye house by settinge a paire of Stone staires upon ye townes waste therefore to be rented by Mr Maior & his Councell

40. Ye nowe Balives of this towne yt they cause ye minspitt well, ye goose well & ye drawells to be clensed & put in sufficient repaire wth iron chains & bucketts at or before ye xxth of May upon paine of xxs.

41. Hugh Copeland hath Erected a paire of Staires & Stoopes wth all yt Supports ye same wch is an Incroachment on ye townes waste therefore to be rented by Mr Maior & his Councell.

42. Mr Richard Kinge hath Incroached at his new house in the ffishergate wth a paire of Seller Staires & therefore to be rented by Mr Maior & his Councell.

43. Yt widd Sumpner & widd Gradwell of ye Syke hill yt they shall Sufficeintly repaire theire houses wch is upon ye Townes land before ye 29th of September next upon paine of xxs a piece.

44. Mr Luke Hodgkinson hath Errected one paire of Railes at ye side of pte of his house & therefore to be rented by Mr Maior & his Councell.

45. Yt Mathew Reade hath incroached by a bulke at his Smithy windows in length 2 yeards or thereaboutes & half a yeard in bredth & therefore to bee rented by Mr Maior & his Councell.

46. John Jameson yt he hath incroached upon ye townes waste at ye west end of his house 6 yeards in length & three yeards in breadth at ye up(per) & one yeard at ye Lower end & therefore wee refferr ye same to Mr Maior & his Councell.

47. Yt ye nowe Balives yt they shall cause a pticon wall to be made wthin ye pinfould to keepe sheepe & other Cattell Asunder before ye first day of January this to be referred to Mr Maior & his Councell.

48. That Oliver Hatch hath gotten Hay from ye nearer end of Ribbleton Lane to the Anoyance of the Kings Matis high way therefore wee doe Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

49. Yt Mr Robte Hesketh hath plowed upp pte of an Ancient Balke lying towards the East side of a certaine close of a grownde caled ye new feild longe feild devideinge betweene the Lands of Lawrence Wall gent & ye lands of the said Robte Hesketh & whereas it does appeare upon oath by two sufficient wittnesses yt the said close containeth by Estimacon six acore Roodes in Length & that the said Robte Hesketh hath plowed one furrowe from ye said Balke through all ye said close soe farr in length as ever heretofore have beene plowed & twoe ffurrowes from the said Balke through y mosse up to these of for ye wch offence wee doe amerce the said Robte Hesketh to pay the sum of xls.

50. Yt Richard Mason hath plowed upp pte of an ancient Balke & foote path wch Leadeth to ye church & markett in a certaine close called ye Whittakers betweene ye Church lands & ye lands of Willm Wallmsley Esq for ye wch offence we amerce him to pay xxs.

51. Yt Mr Willm Shawe shall remove an house or office wch he hath Erected under ye Easinge & dropp & of Ralph Shorrocke at or before ye 24th of June upon paine of xxs.

52. Willm Wearden jun, James Wearden, Thomas Lee, Henry Blackhurst, Mr Willm Sudell & Mr George Pigott have gotten clay and land upon ye East end of the peele moore to ye great anoyance of ye Kings Maties highway soe yt people can scarce have passage to ye Markett for ye wch offence wee doe amerce them to pay ye sevrall fines of xxs. a piece.