October 1667


Elected for viewers of fflesh & ffish Hen. Blackburn & William Whalley
Elected for Alefounders Wm Wiggins & Tho. Dolphin
Elected for pinders & herdsmen Tho. ffisher sen & John Gurnall
Elected for affeerers Luke Hodgkinson gen, William Lemon sen, John Tyson & Chrofer Santer
Elected Treasurer for the poor Law. ffarrington & Roger Rivington
Scavingers Thomas Liegh & Robert Clarkson
Beadle John Salter sen
House lookers for Churchgate Law. Bostock & Law. Mitton
ditto for ffishergate & Market Street John Hodgkinson & Thomas Goodshawe
ditto for ffriergate Thurstan Darwen & John Chorley sen


Great Court Leet, held on October 14th, 1667.

George Addison John Salter
William Audland John Dawson
Richard Burton Thomas Thornborrowe
Jacob Cowper Henry Hall
Thomas Walmsley de Holehouse Nicholas Cunliffe
Thomas Gregson Peter Hall
James Sharples Thomas Pedder
Nicholas Watson  

Presentments : —

1. These psons following for not appearing at ye Leet Cort being duely summoned thereto and therefore to pay ye fine of 6s 8d.

Mr Willm Lemon sen, John Hind, Mr Thomas Wearden, Mr Richard Sumpner, Mr James Ashton, Willm Houlder, Simion Hind, Thomas Myers

2. (written as 3) These psons following for not apearing at ye said Leet Cort to pay ye fine of 3s. 4d.

Georg Woods, George Simpson, Thomas Styth, Edw: Osbaldeston, Ralph Woodhouse, Richard Mastin?, Will Walmesley, Willm Charnock, John Sudell, Willm Couling?, Willm Richardson, Richard Thompson, Lawr Wilson, Henr Balshawe, Thomas ffoote, John Yates, Rich: Mosse taylor, Roger Baley, Will Woodward, John Dolphin, Willm Eaves, Henr Clarkson, Roger Mosse, John Corke, Henr Blackborne, Chrofer Kilshawe, James Taylor, Lawr Crooke, Will Kewerson, Roger Dixon.

3. These psons following for that they doe retail Ale and beere not being free burgesses of this towne wch is contrary to sevrall Guild ordrs they not being Lycensed thereto wee doe fine them to pay as followeth.

John Whitehead - £1 - 0 - 0

Thomas Bickerstaffe - £1 - 0 - 0

Mr Kemp - £ 1 - 0 - 0

John Bacon who married Mrs Asley - £0 - 5 - 0

James Lathom - £0 - 10 - 0

John Powell - £0 - 10 - 0

Henr Wilding - £ 0 - 10 - 0

John Threlfall - £0 - 5 - 0

4. These psons following for Inmates and them that harbour them to pay as followeth

Richard Tysing for harbouring John Threlfall - £1 - 0 - 0

Mr? Law for Harbouring Richard Clitherall - £1 -0 - 0

James Hodgkinson for harbouring John Hankinson - £1 - 0 - 0

Thomas Burton for harbouring John Barton - £0 - 5 - 0

Ralph Woodhouse for harbouring James Sudell at piele hall - £0 - 5 - 0

Mr Willm Bannester for harbouring Willm Mangnales? - £1 - 0 - 0

Widdow Gradwell for harbouring John eaves - £0 - 6 - 8

5. These psons following who are at Lawfull yeares to take the Oath of A Burgesse as appears by ye guild booke, and as yet have not; therefore that they shall wthin one weeke after notice given them by serjeant come before Mr. Maior and take ye said oath, otherwise to forfeit 3s. 4d. apiece.

James Wearden Cowp, John Hatch Wright, Henry Standley Cowp, John Corke? Taylor, George Mitton, Lawr Mitton, Thomas Mitton, Henry Heaton, Henr Sherborne, John Greenough, Willm Greenough, Willm Helme, Henry Haighton, John Chorley sen, Jonathan Audland, Nicholas Anderton, Willm Arkwright, Willm Baley fil Will, John Bayley fil Will, Henry Bayley fil Will, Roger Bostocke fil Arthur, John Bostocke, Richard Blundell, Chrofer Burton, Willm Blackbourne, John Bragger, Willm Buirches, Henr Balshawe, Nathan Bullen, Simon Bullen, Henr Branwell, Thomas Beckonsall, Henr Bretherton not enrould?, Robte Blackledge, Willm Blackledge, Will Charnock fis Edw?, Edward Charnock webstr, Willm Charnock fid Will, John Crooke, Thomas Campbell, Willm Doulphin,John Dawson, Henr Dawson, Richard Eastham, Henr Gradwell, Willm Gradwell, Thomas Gradwell, Richard Graistocke, John Greenough, Thomas Hatch, Michaell Higham, Ralph Kellet, John Kay hosier, Mr Willm Lemon sne, Richard Myers, Roger Mosse, Henry Miller, John Marsh jun, Richard Ords als Jenkinson, Willm Patten, James Poole feltmaker, John Preston Esqr, ffranck Rivington, Mathew Read, Evan Rogerson, John Wearden gent, Lawr Graistocke, Willm Richardson & 3 sons, Thomas Sudell, John Sudell, Mr John Shawe Baliffe, Roger Santer, Thomas Styth, Hugh Shorrocke, John Salter, John Sumpner glacier, Edward Shakeshaft, Thomas Singleton, Alexander Standish gen, George Simpson, Robte Sergeantson, Richard Thorpe sen, Seth Tasker, Richard Taylor drap jun, Richard Taylor fil jar, John Taylor fil jar, Willm Tomlinson currier, Thomas Thornborowe?, Thomas Wall Esqr, Peter Wall, Mr John Wall jon, Edmund Wearden, Evan Wearden fil Georgii, Samuel Woodward, Lawr Wilson, Evan Wilson, Thomas Walmsley sen, Roger Walshman, John Walshman, Lawr Bullen

6. Willm Blackledge for a Tussle and drawing blood upon the body of Richard Thornton to pay vjs. viijd.

7. Mr Kemp for an Assalt & drawing blood upon ye body of Elizabeth Crooke widdowe therefore to pay ye fine of xxs.

8. Jane Haslingden wife of John Haslingden for an Assault upon ye body of Anne Kitchen? & therefore yt shee pay iijs. iiijd.

9. Richard Cliterall for an assault and drawing blood upon ye body of Henry Hall one of the jurors. Wee therfore amerce him to pay vjs. viijd.

10. These psons following that they doe riddle theire Asse in the street to ye annoyance and prjudice of theire neighbours and making dunkhills in ye said streets contrary to sevrall Guild ordrs and that they remove ye anie dunghills upon notice of ye serjeant upon paine on vjs. viijd. apiece. And if any time they doe offend herein to pay for every such offence xijd. apiece.

Elizabeth Baliffe, Mr Thomas Sumpner, Martin Mayberry, Serjeant Schoales, Willm Baley, James Longton, Willm Walmesley, Thomas Bickerstaffe, Racus? Eaves, Grace Taylor widd.

11. There is a frequent abuse and breach of the sabboth by ??? and sundry psons wthin this towne by bearing of burdens and Carrying of water therefore yt yr said abuse may bee rectifyed wee desire yt Mr Maior would give notice to all the Inhabitants by sending ye belman that hereafter they may forbeare yt same upon paine of every one soe offending vjs. viijd.

12. Mr. Lawrence Wall and Robte Hesketh, supvisors of the highway the last yeare, did not Amende the plat in Ribbleton Lane, nere the half mile stone, being often moved thereunto,for wch neglect wee amerce them to pay each vjs. viijd.

13. Ye now Balives doe make A particon Wall in ye pinfould before ye first day of May next or otherwise to pay ye fine of xxs.

14. Yt the Balives doe repaire ye pavemt wthin ye said pinfould before the first of May next following or els to pay vjs. viijd.

15. Ye balives yt they repaire ye Causey adioyning to Mr Preston new wall before ye 25th of March next or els to pay vjs. viijd.

16. Mr John Preston yt hee doe scowre the ditch betwixt Hugh Copelands house and the Kill before ye 2nd of ffebr next haveing notice of ye paine or els to pay his fine of xiijs. iiijd.

17. John Clifton yt he lest his ditch betwixt his croft and the Sikes unscowred and that he scowre the same before ye 25th of March next or els to pay ye fine of vjs. viijd.

18. James Hodgkinson for yt hee hath not scowred his ditch yt joynes to John Smiths house to ye great annoyance of ye said house of John Smith if therefore ye same bee not scowred before ye 25th of March next he is to pay iijs. iiijd.

19. Mr Henry Chorley for suffring his hedg to lye downe betwixt John Cliftons Garden and his owne Croft if therefore ye same bee not made up before the 25th of March next he shall pay iijs. iiijd.

20. Elizabeth Woodhouse, wid [widow], for scandalous and Rayling words agt Mr. John Cottam and Robte Loxam who were swore jurors in ye townes Cort of Tryalls,* terming them as base in theire verdict as if they had picked her pocket, this being soe foule A prsident [precedent] and Incouragement to others to doe ye same to others Jurors, wee doe Amerce her to pay vjs. viijd.

21. Henry Bretherton and Willm Houlden for laying Dunge in the highway nere Titmouse Croft in ye fryergate wood to ye great Annoyance of passengers therefore to pay for the time past iijs. iiid. And that they doe remove ye same before ye 25th of March next or els to pay vjs. viijd.

22. Whereas Thomas Shepard was formly prsented by the Jury of Inquest for an Incroachmt upon ye Towns wast into his garden and at his house end 34 yards in Length and a quarter of A yard in breadth and therefore was Amerced to pay ye sume of 3l. It doth appeare to us upon oath and view yt ye said prsentmt was Mistake and that he ought not to pay ye said prsentmt of money for the building of the wall or ye garding hedge.

23. Willm Bannester, gunsmith, for breach of ye Sabboth, being taken at Cards, at Thomas ffooles, and full of drinke, wee doe amerce him to pay vjs. viijd.

24. Thomas ffoole for keeping an unlawfull gameing house, to ye utter undoeing of divers psons, and for harbouring sevrall psons upon ye Sabboath to play at Cards, wee doe fine him in xxxvjs. viijd., and yt he forbeare to sell Ale upon ye penalty of 4s. a month.

25. Willm Sudell gen for yt he hath not scowred the gutter betwixt Roger Rivingtons house and Henry Hodgkinsons And therefore doe Amerce him to pay vjs. viijd And if ye Same be not scowred before the 25th of March to pay vjs. viijd.

26. Ellis Meaking for excerciseing ye trade of A gardiner within this towne, not being a freeman, to pay xs.. And for every month hee shall follow ye same xs.

27. Willm Blacoe, for refuseing ye Alefounders a tast of his Ale and abuseing them with bad words, and tould them he neither knew nor would obey any such order or office they had to pforme — for this his denyall and brewing without Lycence he is amerced to pay ye fine of vjs. viijd.

28. Willm Abraham for not seting a yate at ye head of his stone staires wth yate if it bee not set before the 25th of March next to pay vjs. viijd.

29. Thomas Birches for keeping a Comon gameing house to ye Injury of sevrall psons harbouring them at unlawfull times of ye night and suffring ye playing at Cards in his house on the sabboath day for wch wee Amerce him to pay xxxvjs viijd.

30. Yt ye Assize of bread and beare is much neglected although Corne be at a Low rate yet nothing is done in releefe thereof wch is contrary to ye statute in yt case made and pvided and wee desire yt Mr Maior would take care yt ye officers ellected for yt purpose may be caused to pforme theire dutyes herein.

31. These psons following for suffring theire Dunge to lye in ye weend yt Leads to Minspit well and stoping upp ye right watercourse soe yt ye dung is forced to run into ye well to ye great annoyance of all the psons yt use ye same well wee herefore do fine them in vjs. viijd. apiece for ye abuse allready made and if ye same bee not cleansed before ye 20th of ffeb next Every pson to pay vjs. viijd.

Edward Rigby Esqr, John Cadman, Luke Greenfield, John Orinston?, Elizabeth Harrison widd, John Greenwood, Widd Tomlinson, Mr James Hodgkinson, Lawrence Mitton, Thomas Burton

32. These psons following for seting swine troughs and deeding theire Swine in the weend yt Leads to ye minspit well to ye great Annoyance of all ye passengers and for ye said offence to pay for ye time allready past 3s 4d a piece And if any pson doe hearafter offending ye like to pay vjs. viijd. Luke Greenfield ju?, Widdow Tomlinson, John Greenwood, Lawr Mitton.

33. Mr John Marsh sen for yt ye Swine Coates he has lately built are a very great Annoyance to ye Minspitt weend and most odours for yt ye dung and pisse of Swine doe fall into ye Mins pitt well for wch wee doe Amerce him to pay xxs. And if ye same Annoyance bee not speedily removed after notice given by ye serjt yt he pay xxs a month.

34. Henry Wildingson for not turning his water into its right Course but suffers it to runn through Thomas Burtons garden to ye great Annoyance and damage of ye said garden And therefore wee doe Amerce him to pay six shillings eight pence and for every weeke soe offending after notice given by ye serjeant xijd.

35. Henry Graistocke for digging up ye Marsh to make butts wth and suffring his swine to goe upon ye said Marsh and therefore to pay vjs. viijd for ye time past And for ye future xs A month if he doe offend herein.

36. John Birches and Willm Walmesley for getting whins upon the Peele moore nere Bannester barne and therefore to pay iijs. iiijd. a piece.

37. John Wearden, Henry Wilding, Mathew ____, James Maior and Edward Shakeshaft Butchers for not sweeping theire Cawseys and suffring theire Dung to lye before theire Doores to ye annoyance of theire neighbours, wee therefore doe Amerce them to pay iijs. iiijd. apiece for ye time past And for every weeke hereafter soe offending having notice thereof by ye Serjeant to pay xijp a piece.

38. Willm Bannester, gunsmith, for breaking ye prisons [is presented and ordered to] repaire ye same and pay ye fine of xxs

39. Willm Bannester for using scandelous words agt ye prsent balives, Mr. Shaw and Mr. Whalley, and for ye said abuse to pay ye sume of xiijs. and iiijd.

40. Yt ye bridge at ye end of Broadgate lane is not yet repaired according to ye 21st prsentmt of ye last Jury and yt ye now Balives doe repaire ye same before ye 25th of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

41. Ye bridge upon ye moore yt leads to Caddiley Causey is not repaired, and therefore yt ye Balives doe cause it [to be] repaired before ye first of May next, upon paine of vjs. viijd.

42. We doe Continue ye 28th prsentmt of ye last Leet and all other prsentmts howtofore made by sevrall other Jurys of this Leet Ordr concerning an accompt to be rendred by ye burgesses of this Incorporacon of ye sume of £600 & upwards raised by ye last Guild and yt Mr Maior yt now is doe cause an accompt to bee made and given in writing to ye Said ffree Burgesses of this Burrowe at a certain day to bee appoynted by Mr Maior before the 24th of June next following and due notice to bee given thereof of ye said Burgesses of the day & time upon paine of xxl.

In the margin there is a comment "There is an Accompt given of the money concerned in this prsentmt as appeares by the white booke of orders".

43. Thomas Walmesley Butcher for an assault & drawing blood upon ye body of Lawrence Cowper and doe Amerce him to pay vjs. viijd.

44. Wee continue ye 35th prsentmt of ye last Jury Leet wherein ye heries? ffeoffees and occupants of Mr Edmund Werdens Estate were to cause good stone platts laid over ye water Course yt runns to ye Marsh milne dame before ye first of September last upon ye paine of 40s, ye same not being done accordingly therefore wee continue ye said paine of 40s and if it bee not repaired before ye 24th of June next and haveing notice by ye Serjeant thereof then to pay xls more.

45. Wee continue the 40th presentmt of ye last Jury wherein Robte Hall and his wife stand prsented for not only throwing in theire wash but also for filling upp ye well in ye Church gate yt is upon ye Townes wast By wch many familyes were Supplyed wth water yt hee bee severely punished for ye said offence, And yt he give Security to Mr Maior both to open ye said well againe and cleanse it at his owne charge and hereafter for beare ye like priudice to his neighbours upon paine of xxs.

Affered by us

Luke Hodgkinson, Chri: Santer, John Tysan