October 1670


Elected for viewers of fflesh & ffish William Gradwell & Thomas Graistock
Elected for Alefounders Wm Wiggins & Tho. Dolphin mort & Thomas Balshaw
Elected for pinders & herdsmen Tho. ffisher sen & John Cowburne
Elected for affeerers Hen. Bludell, William Werden sen, Thomas Hodgkinson & John Backes
Elected Treasurer for the poor Thomas Arkwright & Chrofer Santer
Scavinger Robert Clarkson
House lookers for Churchgate Robert Brindle & Edward Corte
ditto for ffishergate & Market Street Robert Loxam & Seth Tasker
ditto for ffriergate Jacob Sharples & John Radcliffe



George Addison gen John Willasie
John Shawe Richard Orde
Ralph Sharrocke William Bannester gunsmith
Thurstan Darwen Chrofer Walmsley
Jacob Cowper Thomas Birchall
Hugo Sharrock Thomas Tomlinson
Ralph Woodhouse Nicholas Cunliffe
Thomas Gradwell William Welsh
Nicholas Watson  
1. These psons following liveing within ye view of ffranc pleg who made default in not appearing therefore to pay ye sum of iijs. iiijd apiece.

Willm Lemon sen - 2s 0d , James Ashton - 2s 0d, Johes Kellet sen - 2s 0d, Thomas Wall Esqre - 1s 6d, Johes Hynd - 1s 0d, Charles Quicknard 1s 0d, Seth Tasker - 1s 0d, John Tysing - 1s 0d, Edward Wearden - 1s 0d, Evan Wall gen - 1s 6d, Lawr Shepheard - 0s 2d, John Haslingdon - 0s 2d, John Southworth - 0s 1d, John Cooke - 0s 4d, Edward Craven - 0s 6d, James Hilton 0s 5d, Richard Richardson - 0s 2d, John Mosse - 0s 1d, Johes Ryding - 0s 4d, Thomas Noblett - 0s 6d, Robte Blackledge - 0s 2d, Richard Bayley sen - 0s 2d, John Bragger - 0s 2d, Willm Eaves - 0s 2d, James Harrison sn - 0s 2d, Henry Bayley - 0s 2d, John Harrison - 0s 2d, Willm Kewerdon - 0s 4d.

2. Yt by ye xiijth prsentmt of ye last Leet, Willm Wall gen, Chrofer Bannester Esqre and John Sumpner gen were presented to remove theire sevrall houses of offices and swine coates in St Johns weend before ye first of June last upon penalty of xls apiece for every month so long as they should remaine unaltered wch wee find to bee affeared to xxs apiece and wee prsent That ye said houses of office and swine coates are not yet removed and therefore ye penalty of xxs apiece forfeited and wee do likewise order yt ye said sevrall psons shall respectively remove ye said houses of office and swine coates respectively before ye seacond of ffebruary next upon ye penalty of xls apiece for every month after yt ye same shall continue unremoved.

3. John Whalley hath laid a great Quantyty of Rubbage and earth upon his hedge yt _____ ye said hedge into ye highway yt leads to ye Spittle Mosse as also hath set quickwood upon ye waste there to ye prjudice of ye said way and yt ye same bee removed before ye seacond of ffebr next upon paine of xls.

4. There are sevrall prsentmts agt Mr Willm Shawe for yt he hath not removed his house of office wch he hath erected under ye Eaves dropp of Ralph Sharrocke and are especially expressed in ye 9th prsentmt of ye Jury of ye Leet houlden 29th Aprill ???????????????? 1669 and affeared to ye sume of xxs ??? a month till ye same was removed wee find yt ye same is not yet removed and there hath forfeited xs amonth ??? ye ??? wth said monthly penalty amounts to ye sume of iijl wch wee do amerce him to pay and do continue ye like penalty xs amonth untill ye same shalbe removed.

5. These psons following to bee harboured and taken into ye towne and that every pson wch hath so taken them in ot harboured them shall pay as followeth.

Mr David Poole for harboring Robte Clarke & his wife - xxs.

Mrs Elizabeth Jenkinson for harbouring Chrofer Slaters wife & children - xxs.

The Assignes of Mary Gradwell for harbouring Robte Ronson and his wife - xxs.

Elizabeth Hodgkinson widd for hatbouring John ffletcher & his wife - xxs.

Robert Whittingham for harbouring Anne Burke - xxs.

Thomas Patton gen for harbouring Ellin ye wife of John Jackson - xxs.

Chrofer Santer for harbouring Chrofer Slater alias Jenkinson - xxs.

6. Ye Balives cause ye pinfould paved before ye seacond of ffebruary next upon paine of xxs.

7. Mrs Elizabeth Hodgkinson widd yt she make some Gutter or passage for ye water that falls of ye Kills and houses and other places into ye Minspitt well and yt ye same bee done before ye seacond of ffebruary next upon ye penalty of xxs.

8. Yt by ye tenth prsentmt of ye Jury Leet in April 1669 that Mr Thomas Patton was to remove his coles from ye wall late to belonging to Henry Whalley decd upon paine of vjs. viijd for every month ye said Coles were unremoved wch have continued for ye space of xv months, wee do therefore amerce him to pay ye said vjs. viijd a month for ye time already past and wee also continue ye penalty of vjs. viijd amonth till ye same coles be removed.

9. Yt ye Balives set rales at ye Minspitt well before ye xxivth of December next upon penalty of vjs. viijd.

10. Yt Mr Henry Hodgkinson that erected a porch at his house in ye market place, it being a yard and a quarter square and refer ye consideracon there to ye Maior and Councell.

11. William Curtis sen for laying or causing to bee laid a dead sow at ye lowest end of Cheethams Backside to ye great annoyance of people yt passed yt way and therefore wee do amerce him to pay vjs. viijd.

12. Hugh ffarrington for causing a dead sow laid at ye lowest end of Minspitt weend to ye prjudice of ye neighbouring Inhabitants in daming ye water course besides other Newhouses and therefore do amerce him to pay vjs. viijd.

13. These psons following that they scour theire ditches and brest theire copps at ye end of theire Gardens and crofts yt adioynes to ye Sykes nere Avenham before ye 25th of December next in paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

Chrofer Santer, Roger Sudell, sen, gen

14. Upon our viewes yt much damage and losse is likely to accrew by a litte chimney lately erected by Mr John Marsh sen upon his building in ye Minspitt weend and yt hee pull downe or alter ye same so yt it may not endanger ye adjacent houses before ye tenth of December next upon paine of xls.

15. Willm Holder yt hee shall set two sufficient styles at either side of Titmouse croft where formrly two styles have beene sett every yeare as by Informacon and oath given to this prsent jury, it being an anncient comon foot path leading betwixt ye market Townes of Preston and Garstange for his Maties subjects yt have occasion to passe that way before ye 25th of December next upon paine of xls.

16. These persons folowing for fighting and ffliteing each wth othr, to pay iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Willm Carnocke, sen., Willm Charnocke, jur., Mary Charnocke, and Elizabeth Seddons.

17. Henry Kilshawe for yt he hath caused a house off office to bee erected under his Easing dropp and ye Excremt coming through ye stable of Mr John ffranckland is agreat nuzance to ye said Mr ffranckland and yt ye said Henry Kilshawe shall remove ye said house before ye xxvth of December next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

18. Richard Abraham yt he repaire a chimney at ye house where Willm Bragger in habiteth it being very dangerous for neighbouring Inhabitants and yt hee repaire ye same before ye xxvth of December next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

19. Henry and Richard Myers have made quantities of breecks, part of wch they have since sould, wch is not according to ye usual size of this Incorporacon, to ye great losse and prjudice of such inhabitants as have bought ye same, and desire yt Mr. Maior and his Councell would please to take care to refrom ye same Lawes and customes have pvided.

20. James Kitchin to bee harboured by Edward Wareing and yt hee hath not given security or made his composicon? for his freedome therefore yt ye said Wareing to pay xx.

21. Mr John Shawe for yt hee hath not attended ye Jury according to his oath but did wilfully neglect his duty at theire sevrall meetings hee haveing notice thereof and yt he pay ye sume of xxs.

22. Thurstan Dawson yt hee agreeing to attend ye Jury ye 28h of this instant November whereas he hath not pformed ye said duty but pomptoryly? refused ye same wee do therefore amerce him to pay xxs.

23. John Helme sen that he remove a quantity of earth yt is laid nere ayeard high close to ye wall of Evan Hughson before ye 25th of December next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

24. These psons following yt they have not taken ye oath of a Burgess. And if any of them do refuse to take ye said oath when called upon by Mr Maior to pay iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Robte Ryley Junr, Henr Dawson jun, Henr Myers jun, John Sudell jun, Thomas Tomlinson, Evan Wilson, Tho: Wilson, Ralph Eaves,John CCorke jun, Thomas Graistocke jun, ffranc Woodhouse, James Taylor jun, James Cowell jun, Nicholas Anderton, Jonathan Audland, Jo: Baliffe, Jo: Bragger, Robte Blackledge jun, Jo: Dawson jun, Michael Higham, Mr Wmm Patton jun, Roger Santor jun, Mr Peter Wall jun, James Poole, Jo: Richardson jun, Jo Chorley, James Cowper jun, Ric Ryley, Henr Bannester jun, Ric Myers mort?, Ric Thorpe jun, Tho Thornborrowe jun, Nathan Barker jun, Simion Bulley jun, Roger Bannester, Nicholas Walmsley jun, Ric Graystocke jun, Ric Toogood jun, Ric Taylor jun, Jo: Taylor jun, Henr Heaton jun, Willm Baliffe, Rich: Baliffe, Willm Birches, Willm Charnocke jun, Tho Hatch, Roger Mosse Taylor jun, Jo: Marsh gen, Geo: Simpson jun, Samuel Wilson jun, Jo: Poole, Rich: Richardson, Willm Blackledge, Henr Gradwell jun, Tho: Thorpe jun, Evan Werden, Nathan Bullow jun, John Ryding jun, Willm Bannester, Willm Arkwright, Lawr Graistocke, Wilm Toogood jun, Willm Dolphin, Willm Helme, Edmund Walmsley, Jo: Bostocke, Henr Bramwell jun, Jo: Crooke jun,Mr John Preston, ffrancis Rivington, Willm Tomlinson, Lawr Bullen, Jo: Wright jun, Tho: Tomlinson.