February 1670


Thomas Arkwright John Singleton
Jacob Archer Henry Hall
John Sumpner John Radcliffe
Lawrence Bostocke Ralph Kellet
Robert Loxam Edward Charnock
Roger Haydocke John Kay
Henry ffell Charles Quicknard
Thomas Gradwell John Corte
Seth Tasker Henry James
Edward Craven Jacob Sharples
George Simpson  


1. Robte Clarkson for laying of Rubbage nere unto ye almshouse where ye watering poole formrly was being agreat annoyance to ye high way and that hee shall remove and carry away ye same Rubbage before ye xxvth day of May next upon paine of xs.

2. Ye now Balives that they repaire ye breaches in ye Causey neare unto Dorathy Twistletons at or before ye xth of May next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

3. Mr Willm Lemon jun to scoure his ditch upon ye South side of Ribbleton lane at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

4. Edward Rigby Esqre to lay aplatt upon ye North Side of Ribbleton lane at ye yate entring into his field there at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

5. Mr Roger Ashton to scoure his ditch and lopp his hedge hanging over ye highway at his field upon ye South side of Ribbleton lane at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

6. Mr Thomas Rishton yt he shall scoure his ditch and lay a platt at his yate upon ye Southside of Ribbleton lane before ye first of May upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

7. Mrs Jane Langton to lay aplatt at her yate upon ye North side of Ribbleton lane before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

8. Arthur Bostocke yt he lay aplatt at ye yate of his field upon ye Southside of Ribbleton lane before ye first of May upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

9. Yt ye Supvisors shall repaire and amend ye platts in ye highway in Ribbleton lane at or before ye 24th of June next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

10. Mr Thomas Rishton to scoure his ditch at ye end of his field upon ye North side of Newhall lane before ye first day of May next upon paine of 3s 4d.

11. Yt ye Supvisors of ye highway shall make a Causey three Roods long in Newhall lane nere unto ye said Mr Rishtons field before ye 24th of June next upon paine of xs.

12. Thomas ffoole shall scoure his ditch and open his platt upon ye north side over against ye new hall barne at or before ye first of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

13. Ye Supvisors of ye highway to remove ye platt at ye end of ye new hall lane and make a little gripp all along after ye side of ye Causey to graistocke house before ye 24th of June next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

14. Ye supvisors shall lay gravell to ye pyles on both sides of ye new flagged Cawsey leading to ye swillbrooke, before ye xxiiijth of June next, upon paine of vis. viijd.

15. Mr Walmsley to amend ye bridge at ye Swillbrooke and set a raile to ye same bridge at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

16. Ye now Balives that they repaire ye Causey leading to ye School house at or before ye 24th of June upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

17. Ye now Balives yt they shall draw ye Guttrs yt ye water may have its right Current into ye Syke troughs and raile ye ground where ye people stand to wash at ye said troughs upon Avenham and lay lead on ye said Troughs where is wanting before ye first day of May next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

18. Mr James Ashton to lopp ye wood and cast out ye Earth fallen into ye watercorse at ye end of ye Cliffe before ye first day of May next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

19. Yt by ye seaventeenth prsentmt of ye last Inquest Richard Thorpe ye Elder was prsented for an Incroachmt upon ye Townes land in ye possession of Seth Tasker twelve yards in length and one yeard wyde and hath forfeited by ye said prsentmt ye sume of xs, therefore wee ordr yt ye said Richard Thorpe shall rectify ye said Incroachmt yt ye water may run its usuall Corse so yt it may not bee any annoyance to ye high way at or before ye xth of May next upon paine and forfeiture of ye further sume of vl.

20. Mr Willm Sudell that he shall scoure his ditch at ye dorkey acre yt ye water may run its usuall Corse and not annoy ye high way before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

21. Willm Holder that he shall scoure his ditch at ye Crooked acre at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

22. Ye now balives to pave and lay some gravell at ye Bridge at ye broadgate end at or before ye 24th June next upon paine of 6s. 8d.

23. John Dawson to paire his Copp and scoure his watercorse at ye Banckhead at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

24. John Marsh to remove his Earth and take upp his wood wch is falne downe into ye broadgate lane tenn yeards long at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of xs.

25. Henry Houlding, widdowe Hynd, Lawr Tomlinson, Mr Evan Wall and Mr George Addison that they and every of them remove theire middings behind ye ffishergate barrs before ye xxth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

26. These psons following that they remove theire middings forth of ye streete within ye ffishergate barrs at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Mr Henry Blackhurst, Ralph Sharrock, Willm Charnocke, Willm Welsh.

27. James Whittle, widdowe Hughson and Henry Bretherton that they and every of them remove theire middings from behind ye fryergate barrs at or before ye first of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

28. Mr Pluckington ye Gardnr that he lopp his hedge hanging over ye friar lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

29. Ye Supvisors to raise ye Raimper in ye ffryerlane and sett stoopes & railes as have beene formrly before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of ___

30. Nicholas Watson that hee shall remove a tree forth of a ditch belonging to Evan Wilson wch stoppeth ye watrcorse before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

31. Ye now Balives that they wind and stake at Davell Bridge for ye prservacon of the Rampier and lay gravell upon ye said Ramper where it wanteth at or before the xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xs.

32. Ye said Balives that they repaire ye Caules at ye River of Rible and wind and stake there where need shall require and Add to ye head of that Call over against ye old Milne damme twelve yeards in length at or before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xls.

33. Ye Supvisors that they shall cause a plancke of wood and Earth to bee laid at ye brooke at ye end of ye Marsh lane to pserve and keepe ye great annoyance of ye said way at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of xxs.

34. Ye occupyers of Mr Weardons Estate that they shall turne ye water at ye head end of ye Marsh into its usuall Corse that it may not annoy ye highway at or before the xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

35. Ye now Balives that they shall cause lead to be laid upon ye Syke troughs on Spittle mosse where it is wanting at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

36. Chrofer Santor and Willm Charnocke to remove theire middings lying neare ye pinfould at or before ye xvth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

37. Ye now Balives that they repaire the ffootbridge at ye North moore yate and to wind and stake there where need requires and lay gravell behind ye stakes to keepe the water from wahing ye highway at or before ye first day of May next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

38. Lawr Miller that he scowre his ditch and open his platt at ye East side of Salter lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iis. iiijd.

39. Mr Thomas Jepson that he scoure his ditch at ye East side of ye Salter lane at or before the xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iiv. iiijd.

40. Mr Luke Hodgkinson that he scowre his ditches on both side of Salter lane at or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

41. Ye now Balives shall cause a footbridge to bee laid over ye brooke betwixt Preston moore and ffullwood in ye high way leading towards sharowe and Broughton at or before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of xiijs iiijd.

42. Mr Thomas Patton that hee repaire the house at ye Moore side formrly in possession of Willm Baley being in very great decay at or before ye xxiiijth of June next upon paine of vl.

43. Mrs Jane Lawe that she scowre her ditch at ye head end of her field called ye mossey or spouty browe being grutted and growne upp and thereby maketh ye way not passable for ye people that come that way to this Markett and yt she raise ye little Bridge at ye bottom of ye style so yt ye water may have a ffree current undr it att or before ye xvth of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd.


53. It appeareth by Informacon upon oath that ye right and Ancient high way unto a close or pcell of Land now in ye possession of Willm Wearden ye oldr called by ye name of round? Crowne Lyeth through a close of Land called ye platfordale nere unto ye Salter lane and outring in at ayate there wch said platfordale is now in ye possession of Margery Blackhurst widdowe wee therefore find and prsent that ye suffer ye said Willm Wearden and his Assignes to passe and repasse wch his and theire Carts and draughts through ye said platfordale unto ye said Rowid? Crowne.

54. These sevrall psons following that they remove theire middings out of St Johns weend before ye xxth of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Richard Thorpe, Wid Sharrocke, Widd Jolley, Mr Willm Sudell, Mr Tho: Hodgkinson, Mr James Ashton, Robte Clarkson, Mrs Hodgkinson, Richd Thorpe jun, John Thorpe, John Slater, Elizabeth Jenkinson, Johes Dawason, Mr ffranckland, Oliver Hatch, Eldward Dawson, Henr Hodgkinson, Ralph Kellet, Willm Holder, Mr Thomas Jepson, Mr Jo: Wall, Mr Wm Wall, Mr Jo: Sumpner, Elis Wakefield, John Woods.

55. Willm Weardon ye younger that hee hath incroached into ye lane or weend called St Johns weend by drawing avery broad ditch nere unto ye side of his barne there and that hee hath set quickwood towards the bottom of ye Copp of his ditch intending as wee conceive to incroach further, Therefore wee ordr that the said Willm Wearden shall certify ye said Incroachmt that it may bee no annoyance to ye way there before ye xth of May next upon paine of vl.

Affered by us

Tho: Hodgkinson, Willm Wearden, John Bancks?