April 1672

The 24

William Sudell John Kellet sen
Lucas Hodgkinson Thomas Arkwright
Lawrence Wall Ralph ffarnworth
Thomas Rishton Jacob Archer
Richard Hodgkinson John Shawe
Thomas Hodgkinson Thomas Whalley
George Addison John Sumpner grocer
William Lemon Thomas Winckley
William Werden Lawrence Bostocke
Jacob Ashton Robert Groinsworth?
Roger Rivington Henry Blackhurst
John Kellet jun Arthur Bostocke



William Werden jun Thomas Pedder
Roger Rivington Edward Oram?
William Curtis Jacob Dawson
John Bancke John Hodgkinson currier
John Hodgkinson butcher Thomas ???
Henry Wilding Robert Hugall
Henry Gradwell Timothy Woodworth
John Sudell John Ryding
Thomas Noblett  


1. These psons underwritten for not appearing at this Cort Leet beeing thereundr sumoned in xiij apiece.

Thomas Wall, Johes Legh gen, John Hankinson, Will ffisher, Ralph Eaves, Lawr Sheppard, Geo: Mitton, Chrofer Burton, Nathan Bullen, Thomas Bullen, John Mosse, James Ridley,Johes Wall sen, Will Morgan, Rich: Taylor, Will Arkwright, Geo: Pigot, John Southworth, John Hindle, John Crooke, Tho: Hatch, Nich: Anderton, James Smith, John Tysing, Will Burches, John Royle, John Poole, Tho: Tomlinson. Henr Kilshawe, Robert Simpson, John Barker, James Poole, John Hilton, Tho: Walmsley, Lawr Graistocke, Lawr Miller, John Birchall, Simion Bullen, Will Tomlinson sen, James Dolphin, Mathew Porter, Rich Baley sen, John Harrison, Nathan Barker.

2. Ye supvisors of ye high way - that they cause ye cawsey on ye moore, leading towards Lancr [Lancaster], to bee paved before ye xvth of August next, upon paine of vli.

3. Ye same supvisors yt they cause ye way leading to Swillbrooke to bee amended before ye said xvth of August upon paine of vli.

4. Ye same supvisors - that they fill upp ye Cookstools pitt before ye aforesd xvth of August next upon paine of vli.

5. Richard Graystocke for an assalt & drawing blood upon ye body of John Royle in iijs.

6. John Walls that he scoure his ditch in a field called Birdwalls before ye xvth of August next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

7. James Audland and Walter? Chrickhouse?, Thomas Baileman for a tusle each upon other in xijd apiece.

8. Thomas Martin and William Chricklowe for yt theire netts are not according to ye statute and therefore doe fine them in xxs.

9. Mr Thomas Jepson that hee remove his midding out of ye highway wch is agreat annoyance to Travellers before ye seaventh of August next upon paine of vjs viijd.

10. Mrs. Elizabeth Hodgkinson - that she scoure her ditch in Salter-lane, before ye seaventh of August next, upon paine of vjs. viijd.

11. Ye now Balives that they cause ye Causey adioyning to ye ffishergate barrs to bee paved before ye 13th of August next upon paine of xls.

12. Willm Mangneles for keeping goods upon ye more being noe ffree Burgesse therefore to pay vjs. viijd.

13. Mr John ffranckland, Mr Willm Sudell & Mr Henry Blackhurst that they remove theire middings in St Johns weend before ye thirteenth of August nexy upon paine of vjs. viijd apiece.

14. These psons under written for harbouring such psons wch are not ffree Burgesses in this Corporacon.

Henry Sherborne for harbouring John Bla???

Mr Rich. Hodgkinson for harbouring Willm Mangnailes

Rich: Kay for harbouring Edward Walker

George Addison for harbouring John Hindle

15. James Prockters wife for a tusle & drawing blood upon ye body of Henry Bramwell jun his wife in iiijs iiijd and ye said Henry Bramwell for a tussle upon ye said Prockters wife in xijd.

16. Willm Wiggans and John Gurnall pindrs for that they refuse to impound both geese and beasts when they were comanded by the Balives therefore to pay iijs. iiijd apiece.

17. Mrs Hodgkinson for harbouring Thomas Cooke

Mr Thomas Bannester for harbouring John Nickinson therefore to pay vjs. viijd apiece.

18. Sarah Kendall fro harbouring Peter Gourden? & his wife. Mr Luke Hodgkinson for harbouring Edmund Kelsall. Oliver Hatch for harbouring Mr Angell his wife and children. Thomas ffisher for harbouring Josh Entwisle in xxs apiece.

19. James Poole for that hee hath not taken ye Oath of A Burgess.

20. Lawrence Miller yt hee shall cut his hedge in Salter lane before ye xiijth of August next upon paine of iijs iiijd.

21. Ellis Mackin for washing Carrotts at ye Sike troughs, And Anne Haworth, Anne Abbott, and Annas Bullen for washing puddings there, to pay iijs. iiijd.

22. James Prockter, Mr James Wasley & his wife for that they doe live in the towne being noe ffree Burgesses nor haveing made any Composicon? for theire ffreedome that they pay xxs apiece.

23. Elizabeth Woodhouse wid for suffring her midding, house of office & swine coate wch are a great annoynance to Willm Wearden and his tennts therefore to pay xxs.

24. Thomas Gregson yt hee cutt his hedge in the ffryers lane before ye fifteenth of August next upon paine of 3s 4d.

Lawrence Miller for ye like in Marsh lane iijs. iiijd.

Willm Haydock for ye like there - iijs. iiijd.

Willm Arkwright for ye like there - iijs. iiijd.

Lawrence Graistocke for ye like there - iijs. iiijd.

Robte Toogood for ye like there - iijs. iiijd.

25. Widdow Myers & Annas Myers for not cutting theire hedge in Ribleton lane to pay iijs. iiijd. apiece.

26. Mr John Marsh for suffring his Garding hedge & ffence to Lye downe in minspitt weend to ye great prjudice & hurt of ye said well therefore to pay 6s 8d.

Affered by us

Geo: Addison, Jon Cottam, Tho: Winckley, Nicholas Walmsley