January 1677


William Werden sen Henry Gradwel
Roger Haydock Robert Ryley
Nicholas Walmsley jun William Walmsley barber
William Arkwright William Tomlinson
Richard Woods Jacob Riddihough
Richard Jenkinson Thomas Atkinson
John Chisnall John Bayley
William Swansey Lawrence Piccupp
Evan Hughson  


1. Ye supvisors of ye highwayes that they repaire ye Causey all along from behind ye Churchgate barrs leading to ye almshouses and ye rampier and causey nere to ye said Almshouses as also to remove ye Mucke and rubbidge lying in ye highway over agt ye same Almshouses before ye ffirst day of May next upon paine of vl.

2. These psons following that they remove their middings Lying behind ye church gate barrs and those wwch lye nere ye Almshouses before ye tenth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

John Rigby, Robt Simpson, Nich: Cunliffe, Laur Bostocke, Mary Southworth, James Baley, Ralph Eaves jun, Henry Myers, Henr Clayton, Jo: Hodgkinson shoemaker, Henr Heaton, Jo: Hodgkinson Currier, Robt Whittingham, Mr Will Lemon jun, Mr Serjt Rigby

3. Henry Myers to make good his ffence betwixt his ffield and Willm Dolphins garden at ye churchgate townend before ye xth day of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

4. Laurence Bostocke that he scoure his ditch all along Lady Hey adjoyning to ye North side of Ribleton lane before ye ffirst day of Aprill next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

5. The supvisors that they repaire ye Causey and sett stoopes all along ye South side of Ribbleton lane where needfull and to open ye way leading from Graystocke house towards ffishwicke and to repair ye Causey aswell over agt ye said house as in all other places where needfull wthin ye newhall lane and likewise ye causey leading into Rible bridge lane towards ye Swilbrooke and to lay new fflaggs at ye fflaged Causey in ye said lane where ye old ones are broken and to raise ye ground and pave a Causey eight yeards in length at ye Southend of ye said fflag'd causey before ye ffirst day of June next upon paine of xxs.

6. Edward Rigby serjt at Lawe that hee scoure his ditch and open his platt at ye North side of Ribleton lane yt ye water may not run into ye lane before ye ffirst day of Aprill next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd.

7. Mr Thomas Rishton decd and also Arthur Bostocke that they cutt their hedges and scoure their ditches on ye South side of Ribleton lane before ye ffirst day of Aprill next upon paine of vjs. viijd apiece to bee pd by whether shall make defalt.

8. Ellis Makeing that hee forfwith upon notice to him given cutt his hedge all along ye Southside of Titmouse croft wch much annoyeth ye passage of ffootpeople on their way towards avenham and ye boat and also well and sufficiently repair all his houseing belonging to ye towne standing upon ye Sykehill being in much decay and likewise that hee open ye springs and gutters upon ye said Sykes yt ye water may have ffree passage to ye Syke troughs before ye ffirst day of May next upon paine of ls.

9. Ye now Baliffs that they well and sufficiently repaire ye Syke troughs in ye Sykes leading to avenham before ye first day of Aprill next upon paine of xs.

10. Thomas Addison, Chrofer Nowell, Sir John Mollineux, Richard Sudell, Robt Carr, Mrs ffleetwood, Mary Tasker and Mr John ffrankland that they scour their ditches at their crofts ends adjoyning to ye Sykes before ye 25th day of March next upon paine of every iijs. iiijd. who shall neglect so to do.

11. Willm Werden jun that he open ye watercourse leading from his pitt in ye Sykes and that he raise a rampier and lay a ffootbridge over the said water course and another Bridge at his yate betwixt ye said Sykes so that people may have ffair passage ye same being an anncient an comon ffootway and much in decay before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

12. Richard Thorpe that he lay platts at both sides of his ffields in South meadow lane wch he ffarmes from Mrs King and that hee open his ditches there so as that ye water may have free passage before the xxvth day of March next upon paine of xs.

13. These severall psons ffollowing that they cutt their hedges, scour their ditches and Lay platts at ye ends of their ffields adjoyning to ye said South meadow lane before ye xxvth day of March next upon pain of every one neglecting so to do to forfeit and pay ye sume of vjs. viijd. apiece.

Mathew Read, Rich: Thorpe, James Ruddihough, Mr Greenfield, John Salter, Mrs Pigot, Henry Wylding

14. Richard and prsent Richard Thorpe that he scoure his ditch all along his field side nere Docky acre before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

15. John Woods that he scoure his ditch and Cutt his wood at ye end of ye same lane before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

16. Mr Willm Sudell that hee scour his ditch all along Dorky Acre before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

17. Ye now Baliffs that they repair ye Bridg at broadgate end ye same being very much in decay before ye xth day of June next upon paine of iijl. xs.

18. Edmund Porter and Willm Charnocke that they scour their ditch at ye South end of crooked acre adjoyning to broadgate lane before ye 25th day of March next upon payne of either of them neglecting to pay iijs. iiijd.

19. Richard Thorpe scoure his ditch over against ye Crooked acre before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

20. James Dawson and Henry Wilding that they scour their ditches at ye banck head adioyning to broadgate lane before the xxvth day of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece yt shall neglect so to do.

21. Mr Peter Wall that he Lay a platt at his yate entring into his field adioyning to broadgate lane and scour his ditch there And that John Hodgkinson upon his platt at his ffield were ye Almshouse in ye said lane and both to bee done before ye ffirst day of Aprill next upon of either of them neglecting vs.

22. John Hynd that he Scoure his ditch at ye end of his field adjoyning to ye ffishergate lane and also his ditch at ye west side of ye said field downe to ye greene Croft before ye ffirst day of Aprill next upon paine of xs.

23. These severall psons following that they remove their middings lying beyond the ffishergate barrs before the xth day of May next upon paine of every one neglecting so to doe ye sume of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Mr James Ashton, Chrofer Nowall, Henry ____, Isabell Bootle, Willm Welsh, Wid Loxam.

24. Widdow Wareing, Widd Tasker and Willm Welsh that they remove their middings lying in ye ffishergate wthin ye Barrs before ye ffirst of May next upon of every one neglecting to pay xs. apiece.

25. Richard Sudell for that he suffreth his hedge to lye Downe betwixt his backside and Robt Carrs backside to ye great prjudice of ye said Robt Carr and therefore ye said Richard Sudell shall well and sufficiently make upp ye said hedge before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

26. Ye sevrall psons hereafter named that they remove their middings lying beyond ffryergate barrs before ye xth day of May next upon paine of every one neglecting iijs. iiijd.

Evan Hughson, John Helme, Thomas Parr, Willm Werden jun, Thomas Cumbrall, Thomas ___, wid Copeland.

27. Evan Hughson that hee take away and remove his middings from before his now barne in ye ffryer weend before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

28. Ye supvisors that they repair ye Causey all along where wanting from ffishergate barrs so farr downe ye lane as ye same hath beene formrly paved and that they set stoopes in all needfull places for prserving of ye said Causey from Carts going thereon and that also they repair ye ffryer weend and ye rampier nere ye Dyhouse and also ye rampier at Davell bridge and lay gravell ther & in all other places in ye ffryer lane And likewise that they repair ye brow leading from Spittle Mosse into ye Marsh lane before ye xxiiijth day of June next upon paine of iijl. xs.

29. Ye now Baliffs that they well and sufficiently repair Caules at ye Marsh in all needfull places where wanting for ye prserving of the Marsh and that they open ye watering places at Spittle Mosse and open ye springs leading into ye Syke trough and Lay lead in ye said Syke trough where needfull and likewise well and sufficiently repair ye butts on Spittle Mosse and ye walls at ye pinfold before ye xxiiijth day of June next upon paine of iijl. vjs. viijd.

30. Mr Chroger Greenfield and Nicholas Walmsley jun that they scoure their ditches nere Davell bridge and dye house before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of eithr of them neglecting iijs. iiijd.

31. Chrofer Santor and the rest that bee onwrs of ye wood lying upon ye Marsh upon ye Kill that they remove their wood from of ye Marsh before ye xth day of Aprill next upon paine of every one makeing defalt ye sume of vjs. viijd apiece.

32. Mr Thomas Patton that hee raise his rampier at ye end of Henry Brethertons field and amend his Mill dam where ye water hath made severall breaches and so runs over ye Marsh before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

33. Thomas Cumbrall that he Cover his Lyme pitt nere ye Marsh before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vs.

34. Roger Haydock, Edward Porter and Ralph Woodhouse that they remove theire middings nere ye pinfould in ye way to spittle mosse before ye xth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece every of them that shall negect do to do.

35. Willm Graystocke that hee repaire ye way at ye lower end of his Garden before ye _____ day of __________ next upon paine of __________

36. Ye now supvisors that they throw in and leaven those hollowes and gutters that are made in the highway undr the brow nere the North More Yate before ye ffirst day of May next upon paine of xs.

37. The now Baliffs that they well and sufficiently set and repaire the East more yate before the xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

38. James Taylor that so make his Copp and ditch at his Croft nere ye more yate before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

39. Henry Sherborne, John Tomlinson and John Kay that they repaire ye Causey leading frowards Burleys towards Debdall in all needfull places before ye first day of June next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

40. John Chorley that hee hath not throwne in his ffeighing and filled upp ye pitt whereout hee make bricke on ye Peele more and therefore that he shall fill upp ye said pitt before ye xth of Aprill next upon paine of xiijs. iiijd. a piece.

ffeighing/feighing, according to the OED means to clear away but in the above context means the remnants after making bricks.

41. Richard Clarkson that hee well and sufficiently repaire his barne comonly called Shaw barne being much in decay before ye 24th day of June next upon paine of xls.

42. These psons ffollowing to scour their ditches all along both side of Salter lane and cut theire hedges where needfull before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Mr Thomas Martin, Grace Harrison, Allan Prickett Esqre, Mr Thomas Winckley, Oliver Hatch, Thomas fforrest, Mrs Hodgkinson, Mr Maior, John Chorley jun

43. These psons following that they remove their middings lying in ye backweend leading downe on ye North side of the ffryergate to behind the ffryergate barrs before ye xth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Willm Seddon, Widd Graystocke, Thomas Parr, John Singleton, Mrs Sallom, Willm Charnocke, John Bayley.

44. John Powell, Chrofer Woodborne and Henry Hall that they take upp their Copps and scour their ditches at their Croft ends in ye last beforemenconed lane before ye xxvth day of March next upon pain of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

45. Roger Mosse shall set two sufficient styles at Titmouse croft leading to ye greene crofts before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of xs.

46. These psons following that they remove their middings lying in St Johns weend before ye xth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Mrs Walmesley, Roger Haydocke, Mr Tho: Martin, Ralph Woodhouse, John Woods, Richard Woods, John Townend, Thomas fforrest, Dr. Worthington, James Dawson, ffrancis Woodhouse, Mr Poole, Thomas Whalley, Thomas fforrest, John Chorley, Mr Holder, Mr Nich: Wall, Widd Dawson, Henry Hodgkinson, Alan Prickett Esqre, John Salter, Mr Wm Lemon, Mrs Hodgkinson, Mr James Ashton, John Catterall, Mr Willm Sudell, Thomas Legh, Richard Thorpe, widd Jolly.

47. Mrs Hodgkinson and Chrofer Walmsley that they remove their middings Lying near ye tyth barne before ye xth day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

48. John Woods and John Salter that they scour their Ditches at Viccaridge croft before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. a piece.

49. Mr Holder that he remove his wood lying in St Johns weend before ye ffirst day of May next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

50. These psons ffollowing that they forthwith after notice them given by ye serjt or other officer sweepe their Causeys, clense their channells, take away their muck there from and pair their copps lying being and adjoyning to and agt their houses, shopps, warehouse, stables, Swine Coates, walls or Gardens wthin ye weend Leading downe to minspitt well and that they and every of them and such other as shall hereafter clens their channells and take away their mucke upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece to bee forfeited and paid to ye use of this Incorporacon by them that shall refuse or neglect so to do and the affeared are desired strictly to inquire that this prsentmt bee observed or otherwise that the penalty bee fully laid upon ye defalters.

Henry Kilshawe, Wm Swansey, Mrs Hodgkinson, Thomas Cooke, Timothy Woodward, John Chorley, John Marsh sen, John Townend, John Marsh jun, Tho: Cowpe gen, Willm Greenwood, Alice Tomlinson, Allan Prickett Esqre, Thomas Addison, Willm Holder

And that ye said John Marsh scour his ditch along over agt ye said well before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

51. Mt Thomas Patten to set agood style lay a foot bridge, scour his ditch upon his gutters and raise a rampier at ye east end of ye ffields now in his or his assignes possion leading from ye Walkes upon Avenham towards the boat so that ffootfolkes may well & dryly pass through ye Comon and usuall ffootpaths there (ye same being very foule) before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

52. John Powell that hee well and sufficiently repaire ye Comon ffootway at his closes ends leading also towards the boat before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd.

53. Mr Edmund Werden yt he hath stopped ye watercourse wch for many yeares past did run through ye Carrs at Henry Graystocke house end by ye Marsh, And that hee hath turned ye said watercorse so as that it runeth over ye Marsh to ye great prejudice of ye highway and imnent danger of ye over throwing, spoyling and Hazarding of ye life and lifes both of man and beast yt shall have occacon to travell, come or goe (especially in ye night time) that way, And therefore ye said Mr Werden shall mend or cause to be mended, filled up and well repaired ye said way & breaches therein and likewise suffer ye said watercorse to run in its formr usuall and accustomed Corse before ye first day of May next upon paine of iijl. vjs. viijd.

54. Ye sevrall psons hereafter named that they scoure their Ditches and open thier platts leading all along from Corker hole downe to Avenham Sykes and so to Tho: Addisons croft and where his farm pitts are before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece.

Wid Astley, Willm Curtis, Mr Tho Hodgkinson, Mr Chr Greenfield, Mr George Pigott, Mr Wm Walmsley, Hugh Sharrocke, Widd Sudell, Mrs King, Laur Shepard, Mr Jo: Cockshhutt, Charles Quicknard, Jo: Chorley, Widd Clifton.

55. The sevrall psons hereafter named that they scour their ditches at ye end of their gardens being an anncient watercorse Leading from St Johns weend downe towards Br[o]wn Channell before ye xxvth of march next upon paine of iijs. iiijd. apiece. Mr James Ashton, Widd Taylor, John Holdsworth. And that Nicholas Watson and Edward Craven also scour their ditches before ye said xxvth of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

56. Willm Werden jun that he set agood style, raise his bridge, cut his hedge and scour his ditch at ye east side and north end of his close formrly in ye possession of Elizabeth Jenkinson and Leading towards ye Peele more before ye xxvth of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd.

57. That ye Bridge lying betwixt ye closes now in possion of Allen Prickett Esqre and Roger Bannester gent leading towards ye moore is quite falne downe, And that therefore they ye said Allan Prickett and Roger Bannester shall sett one good and sufficient new bridge and rails there for ffoot folkes to travell and safely passe thereover ye same being a Comon and anncient foot path or way, before ye xxvth day of March next upon paine of vjs. viijd. apiece.

Affeared by us

Willm Lemon, Willm Wearden, Thomas Whalley.