February 1699

Mayor: Roger Sudell


Geoffrey Rishton Thomas Santer
Nicholas Walmesley John Woods jun
Thomas Clayton Robert Riley
William Addison John Sharples
Henry White John Orme
Astel Hodges Thomas Woodborn
Richard Casson Jeremiah Wilson
William Rylands Thomas Bradley
Nathanial Knott  


1. The persons followeing for letting their Middings lye att the Churchgate Town end, And doe order them to remove the same before the first day of May next, or in default wee fine them in six shillings eight pence a piece. vizt.

Widdow ffarnworth, Henry Watson, Thomas Cowell, John Slater, Widdow Slater, Richard Myers, Evan Hodgkinson, Lawrence Bostocke, Robert Hall, Willm Cowpe, Willm Cowling, John Jackson, Richard Jackson, Mr Ben. Whitehead.

2. The Baliffes of this Burrough for not amending and repaireing the Townend well at the Lower end of the Church Street and do order them to repaire the Same before the 16th of May next or otherwise doe fine them in thirteen shillings and four pence.

3. The following psons for not scouring their ditches, mending their platts & loping their hedges in Ribleton lane And if not done before the first of May next doe ffine them in six shillings & eight pence a peice.

John Merry, John Jackson, Henry Turnley, James Garstang, John Crabtree.

Mr Langton for not opening & scoureing his ditch at the higher end of his field in Ribleton lane.

William Cowpe for not opening his plat & scouring the remainder of the ditch in the same lane & for not removeing a midding lyeing in Ribleton lane to the Annoyance of the Publicke high way.

4. The persons ffollowing for not scouring their ditches in Egergate Lane and if not done before the first of May next doe fine them in six shillings eight pence a peice.

Mr. Tho. C[l]ayton, Mr Lemon, John Merry.

Mr Langton for not scouring the watrcourse from Eager gate lane through the midst of his field adjoining to it.

5. The psons following for not removeing their Dung hills out of the new hall lane and we order they Do the same before the first of May next on paine of six shillings eight pence a peice.

Widdow Lever, John Merry, Henry Turnley, James Garstang, Mr Lemon, Widdow Bostock, John Greenhalgh.

6. Adam Cooper for not layeing a platt before the yate belonging to his Close in New hall lane & for not scoureing his ditch belonging to his field adjoining to Mr Hodgkinsons & doe fine him in 6s. 8d. for each prsentmt in case the same be not done before the first of May next.

7. Mr Alderman Lemon for not scoureing his ditch in New hall lane and in Case the same be not done before the first of May next do fine him in 6s. 8d.

8. Chrofer Jackson for not amending & repaireing the Cawsey leading the footway to Swill Brook and in case the same be not done before the first of May next doe ffine him in 6s. 8d.

9. Richard Jackson for not scouring his ditch adjoyning to Obing heys doe fine him in 6s. 8d. in case the same be not done before the first of May next and Mr Wm Patten for not the same be not done by the time aforesaid.

10. The psons following for not scouring their ditches amending their platts and lopping their hedges in South Meadow Lane and do fine them in 6s. 8d. a peice in case the same be not done before the first of May next.

Mr Ralph Ashton, Henry Shepherd, Wm Tomlinson, Edmund Kelsall, James Drinkwater.

William Bradley to scour his ditch from South meadow Lane to Comon fields Mr Hodges to scour his ditch on Both sides the said Lane.

John Greenhalgh to scour his ditch from South Meadow Lane to the water side. James Green to scoure his ditch in the same lane to the water side.

11. Mr Alderman Lemon for not repaireing and making a Plat in the said Lane over agt his ground and do fine him in 6s. 8d. in Case the same be not done before the first of May next.

12. George Birchall & others undernamed for not scouring their ditches adjoining to the fields in North meadow Lane and not Lopping their hedges and do fine them respectively in the sum aforesd in case the same be not done by the Time aforsaid.

Georg Birchall.

Mr John ffrancks on both side the sd Lane and his meadow ditch.

Wm Bradley.

13. The prsent Baliffs for not amending & repaireing the Bridge at the Broadgate end & do fine them in a Mark in Case the same be not done before the first of May next.

14. Mr ffrancks & John Woods senr for not scoureing their water courses downe to the water side comeing down North Meadow lane & do ffine them respectively in 6s. 8d. in case the same be not done at the time last before menconed.

15. Evan Husan for not scoureing his ditch at side of Ashton Meadow & in Case the same be not done at the first of May next doe fine him in 6s 8d.

16. Mr Roger Sudell Senr for not repaireing the Cop belonging to his ground the same falling down & prjudiceing the high way & not makeing the same in bank head & scouring the ditch & do fine him in 6s. 8d. in case the same be not done before the first of May next.

17. Geo: Birchall for not scoureing his ditch leading from Spring head to the said last menconed Closes and do fine him in 6s. 8d. in case the same be done before the first of May next.

18. Henry Bostock for not scouring his ditches at back of the Almshouse belonging to his ground there and do fine him in a noble if the same be not done before the first of May next.

19. The Supravisors of the highwayes for not repairing the Cawsey below the ffishergate barrs And do order they amend the same before the 20th of May next on paine of 13s. 4d.

20. Mr Ralph Rishton for not scowring his Ditch at Rideing hey and do ordr him on pain of 6s. 8d. to doe it before the first of May next.

21. The psons following letting their midings lie at fishergate town end to the anoyance of the Kings publick high way And do order them to remove the same before the first of May next on paine of 6s. 8d. a peece. vizt.

Mr Addison, Mr Winkley, Mr ffranks, Edwd Bradley, Wm Bradley, John Cooke, John Hardman.

22. Mr Andrew Dandy for erecting a new Pale on the East side of his Garden in Chethams Backside wch in some parts thereof incroacheth upon or into the Common ffoot way leading into Sike hill & hindring the Cart way there And we order that he lay open or remove the Same before the first of May next or else to be fined in fourty shillings.

23. Robert Turnall for a midding lying before his house in the ffryergate & do ordr he remove the same before the first of May next or else to forfeit 6s. 8d.

24. Mr John Chorley & Richard Couband, Mr Chorley for wood lying in the Street opposite to the house late Mr Tho. Addisons decd and Cowband for a Heap of Clay lying opposite to his House in the ffryergate and do fine either of them in a Noble a piece in case the same be not removed before the first of May next.

A "Noble" was worth 6s. 8d.

25. The psons for letting their Middings lye at or near before their respective doors at ffryergate end to the anoyance of the Kings publick high way & do order them to remove the same before the first of May next on paine of 6s. 8d. a peice. vizt.

Wm Tomlinson at Eagle & Child, John ffisher, John Hatch, John Jameson, John Helme, Henry Barnes junr, Hugh Gurnall, Hugh Swansey on at the Back of the house, John Green, Wm Tomlinson & James Kitchin in the same lane.

26. Evan Huson for not scouring his ditch belonging to his field adjoining to ffryer lane & doe amerce him in 6s. 8d. in Case the same be not done before the first of May next.

27. Likewise John Helme for not scouring his ditch betwixt his field and the Sykes adjoining to Aley Lane & do amerce him in 6s. 8d. if it be not done at the time aforesaid.

28. The Ballives of this Town for not repairing the Calls at the Marsh side & doe order the same to be done before the 25th of May next on paine of 13s. 4d.

29. The psons following for their Middings lying at Spittle Moss to the annoyance of the Kings high way & do order them respectively to remove the same or or before the first of May next on paine of 6s. 8d. apeice. vizt.

Mr Nich. Walmesley junr, Rich Cross, John Banister gen, John Birchall, Ricd Bray one dunghill near the Pinfold & one goeing to Lanr & fine him in 6s. 8d. for each dunghill in case they be not removed by the first of May next.

30. Ye Balives for not repaireing the washing Sykes or Troughes at the Spittle Moss & do amerce then in 13s. 4d a peice in case they are not repaired on or before the first of May next.

31. The Bayliffes for not Scouring & keeping in repair the water course of the moore brow leading to the moore Yate & doe amerce them in 13s. 4d a peice in case the same be not done before the first of May next.

32. The psons following for not Scouring their ditches & not lopping their hedges belonging to their respective closes in Salter lane & in case the same be not done before the first of May next doe fine them respectively in 6s. 8d. a peice. vizt.

Wm Litham, James Garstang, Mr Wm Patton.

33. The psons following for laying their dunghills in the Back Weend & St Johns Weend And order that they remove the same before the first of May next on paine of 6s. 8d a peice. vizt.

James Tompson, Tho Gradwell, Mr Wm Parkinson, Wm Tomlinson, Mr John Thornton, Henry Shepherd, Mr Wm Patten, Tho Ryley, Mr Jeffrey Riston, Tho Ryding, Edwd Read, Alice Garlick, Hugh Walker, James Garstang, Henry Yates, Widdow Lever, Henry Birches, William Gregson, Alderman Lemon, Widdow Walmesley, Seth Jolly, William Beesley.

34. The psons following for their Middings and a Brickkill lyeing in the way leading to the Peele More And order they remove the same before the first of May next on paine of six shillings eight pence a peice.

Wm Litham a miding

Alderman Lemon 2 middings

Rich: Myers for the Brickkill.

35. The psons following for setting their Troughs & feeding their Swine in the Weend called Minspit Weend to an Annoyance & comon Nusance and therefor in case the said psons doe not remove the said Troughs and remove the said Nusance before the five and twentieth of Aprill instant they shall pay 13s. 4d. a peice.

Ellen Greenwood, Tho: Adlington, Tho: Sharples.

36. John Miller for opening the Mill fleam or Dam belonging to the Mill at the Marsh and letting the water over & upon & almost drowning the Meadow now in the possession of Mr Thomas Gradwell wch is manifest damage & detrimt to the said Close and the Occupier thereof And in that respect doe fine him in 13s. 4d