February 1703

Mayor: William Lemon


John Loxam John Verswagon?
Henry Taylor John Woods
Benjamin Todd Edward Bradley
William Coope Henry Tompson
Ambrose Christopherson William Goodrick
John Orme Jeremiah Wilson
John Dewhurst Nicholas Pashley
Richard Shuttleworth John Biggins
Thomas Woodburn Thomas Bradley
Robert Ryley  


The severall persons hereafter named for severall annoyances and other matters and things wch if not amended, rectifyed and removed in due time before the next Cort Leet to be held for this Burrough then the Same to be amerced by the Jury of that Leet.

John Sudell for miding before his house and seting a Cart in the Street. John Bostock and John Shackleton for heaps of Muck before their dores. John Thorp & Henry Birchall for the Same. John Bostock for one before his barne. Wm Entwistle for another before his house. George Merry one before his Barne and Seting of two Carts. Evan Hodgkinson for Worthing before his door And Mr Winckley for laying muck at the Church Street Town end being a prjudice to the high way.

Ribleton Lane

The Supvisors for want of repaireing a Platt and for want of repaireing the Cawsey way in the Said Lane. Mr Whitehead for laying worthin and Rubbish. William Lytham and John Bostock for laying Worthin. John Jackson for not Scouring his ditch and opening a Grip in his field in the said Lane. James Garstang for not opening his plat. Mary Crabtree for want of opening her ditch and Mr Shaw for want of opening his platt and not scouring his Ditch to the great prjudice of the High way.

Eager Gate Lane

Mr Starkie for want of opening his plat and for not Scouring his Ditch. Henry Heaton & John Greenhalgh for the same. George Rishton for Lands belonging to Mr Molyneux and George Merry for not scowring their Ditches.

New Hall Lane

The Supvisors for not repaireing the Cawsey and not mending a Cart plat and for want of turning a Water course at the old Cuckstoole pit. Mr Mayor for not opeing his ditch. Mr ffoster for the same and for want of opening his plat. Henry Merry for the same. John Rhodes for a Miding in the said Lane. John Haydock for the same and John Jackson for turning a Water course into the Highway out of Mr Ashtons Lands of Litlewood.


The Supvisors for not repaireing the Cawsey leading downe the said Lane.


John Clayton for seting a Cart in the Street. Mr Howson for laying Clay before Pearson the Smiths door. John Harrison & Richard Gradwell for laying Muck before their dores. Mary Gysley for not making her fence and Hugh Gurnall, Nathaniel Etough for not scouring his Ditch betwixt him & John Ratcliffe. John Bayley for want of making his fence betwixt him & Henry Tompson. Randle Sherlicarr for seting Carts in the Street & Wm Markland for ye like. Mr Walmsley that lives in William Tomlinsons house for leting a Bottam of a Sign post stand in the street.

Ellis Guest for a Miding in the Street. Robert Gurnall, James Jameson, Alice Graystock, Jennet Bretherton & John Helme and seting a Cart in the Street. Mr Holt Elmes? for making a house of Office to John Andertons Garden. Richard Taylor for an Easeing drop upon John Andertons house. Mr George Addison for not Scouring his Ditch that runs down to the Marsh Mill and Richard Cowband for the Same.

Wee present the Bayliffes for not repairing the Calls about the Marsh Side.

Spittle Moss

The Bayliffes for not Gripping a Grip that goes down to the Sykes at the Moss and for want of laying the fflaggs and likewise for want of Wadd for the Sykes and for not repaireing of the Butts.

Wee present:

Richd Cross, Hugh Gurnall, Robt Read, John Bayley and James Holt for laying Middings on the Moss.

Henry Bayley for leting Muck stand before his door.

Richd Whittle for making his fence betwixt him and Richard Bray and Richard Bray for not Scowring his Ditch between him and Richard Whittle.

Thomas Walmsley for not Scouring his ditch & making his Fence between him and Richard Bray.

Fryer Gate Barrs

Wm Arkwright, Hugh Gurnall, Henry Banres and Robt Sidgreaves for laying Middings in the Street.

Fryer Gate Weend

Mrs Green, William Tomlinson, Robert Read & James Kitchin for laying of Middins in the said Weend and Robert Read for seting a Cart there.

Henry Crook for want of Scowring his ditch. John Walton for laying Severall peices of Wood in the Same. John Hatch for not Scouring his ditch at the end of his Garden. Widow Jackson for the Same. Mr ffrancks & George Drinkwater for the Same. John Colly, Thomas Richardson & George Clitheroe for laying Middings in the sd Lanes.

St Johns Lane

The severall psons following for laying their Middings in the said Lane. vizt.

Mr Graddwell, Mr Rishton, Eliz Tootell, Mary Woods, Mr Patten, James Garstang, Mr Parkinson, Thomas Greenhalgh, John Hodgkinson, Mr Wall, Tho: Ryley, Edwd Santer, Mr Sharples, Mr Molyneux & Thomas Kilshaw.

Mrs Parkinson for not making her fence betwixt her and Thomas Kilshaw.

The Back Weend over agt the Church

The severall psons following for laying their severall middings in the said Weend vizt.

Mr Atherton, Mr Johnson, Mr Rylands, Widow Aynscough, John Moore, Ann Walmsley, ____ Kitchin, Wm Gregson, John Verswagen, Seth Jolly, Wm Beesley, Wm Lytham for seting a Cart in the Back Weend.

Fryer Gate Moor Yate

The Supvisors for not repairing the Highways and for not laying a Bridge over Graystock Brook in Graystock Lane.

John Walton, William Helme, Mr Patten & Hugh Walker for not scouring their Ditches in Salter Lane.

James Noblet for his house of Office being annoyance to his neighbours.

The Bayliffes for not repairing the Cuckstoole pit and for want of repairing the Moor Yate and Wm Lytham, Jon Parr and Henry Parr for laying a Midding on the Moore.

Church Street

These severall psons for want of Railes to their Cellars & other necessary reparacons. vizt.

Thomas Yate, Robert Welshman, Evan Howson, Thomas Clayton, Mr Martin, Wm Slater, Lawrence Simpson & William Abbot for want of Railes at their respective Celler Staires. John Greenhalgh for not fixing his Railes and Mr Whittaker for not repairing the sides of his Cellar.

Cocker hole

The Supvisors for not Wynding the fflaggs and for not repairing the high way. Nicholas Pashley? for laying his wood. Mr Starkie for laying a Midding and Thomas Astley for laying two Middings.

Syke hill & Sykes

Thomas Kilshaw for laying a Midding there as also Mr Chorley, Thomas Gregson & Henry Sowerbutts And the Supvisors for not repairing the Cawsey to the Sykes. Madam Pracket? for want of a plat in the Sykes. Thomas Richardson for his fence being down & Mr Parker, Mr Winckley & Thomas Woodburn for not repairing the high way near the water side that lyes to the broad meadow.

South Meadow Lane

The psons following for not Scouring their respective ditches. vizt. Mr Winckley, Mr ffrancks, Wm Lorrimer, Mr Nich Walmsley, Widow Hugall, James Lorrymer & Wm Charnock and James Lorrymer for not opening his Watercourse to the waterside. John Woods for not repairing his fence. David Brown for not Scouring his Ditch & John Thorp for ye like. Thomas Bancks, John Rhodes & Dr Greenhalgh for not Scouring their Ditches & opening their platts. Mr Sudell for not Scouring his Ditch. James Green for the same and for not opening his watercourse leading down the side of his feild.

South Meadow Lane

Chrofer Pearson & Henry Graystock for not Scouring their Ditches. William Charnock & John Clayton for not Scouring their Ditch at the Water side.

North Meadow lane

Mr Atherton, David Browne, James Garstang & Wm Bradley for not scouring their Ditches & the Supvisors for not wynding the Spring head and John Roades for not Scouring his ditch at the Banck head.

Fisher Gate Lane

Nathan Barker, Mr Chorley & Elizabeth Tootell for not scouring their Ditches. Thomas Bancks & Mr Addison for not opening their platts. The Supvisors for not mending the Cawsey in ffisher gate lane. John Barker, Thomas Leach, Wm Martland, Ralph Hodgkinson, James Hodgkinson, Mrs Woods, Henry Bostock & Mr Ralph Rishton for not scouring their Ditches.

Out Barrs

Mr Whittiker, Mr Addison, James Lorrymer, Edwd Bradley, Mr Winckley, Edwd Trafford Esqre, John Cook, Mr Stanley, Wm Hodgkinson & Benjamin ??? for laying their Middings in the sd lane.

Within Barrs

James Hodgkinson, John Hardman, Mr Ralph Tyldsley and David Brown for laying their Middings in the sd street and John Cook for laying Muck before his door.

The Bayliffes for not amending the ffisher Gate Barrs.