February 1717

Inquisition taken on February 24th, 1717, before Joseph Curtis (Mayor).


Thomas Garlick William Patten
Jno. Orme Henry? Smith
Jno. Waller Jacob Derbyshire
William Hobson Evan Trigg
Robert Ashburner William Harrison
Peter Harrison Jacob Ryley
Valentine Farington George Pearson
Hamerton Astley Robert Welshman
Thomas Clayton William Walmesley
Thomas Starkie John Fishwyck
Thomas Whitehead Thomas Bradley
Charles Gibson  


Presentments : —

My numbering

1. Ye Bayliffes of this Corporacon for not makeing Rails and a Turnstile at Cockerhole and if not done before ye 10th of May next do Amerce 'em in one pound six shillings Eight pence.

2. Ye Bayliffes for neglecting to repair ye Boghouse at ye School and the Walls abt. ye Garden there being much out of repair and if not done wthin the time aforesd Do amerce 'em in five pounds.

3. Jno Singleton Dyer for not repairing and Covering his Sough at the Dye house Especially ye foot of it which lyes open to the danger of his Majties Liege people and if not done in A Months time do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

4. Catherine Johnson for makeing a Swine Coat and laying Midding up to ye Wall adjoining to ye well in Minspitt Weend whereby ye Excremts drain into Well in danger of rendering ye Water infectious to his Majties Leige people and if not imediately removed Do Amerce her in vjs. viijd.

5. Thomas Leach for not setting a stile and repairing ye Rampart at ye Corner of Mr Ra: Ashetons Garden and if not done in a Months time do Amerce him in iijs. iiijd.

6. Ye Reverend Mr. Mercer and ye occupants of his grounds at ye water side, near broad Meadow, for diverting ye footway and setting a stile too near ye water side, to the danger and prjudice of his Majties Liege people; if not removed in a Month's time do Amerce 'em in vis. viijd.

7. John Winckley Esq. and Wm Parkinson Gentleman for not repairing ye footway below broad Meadow adjoining to their respective grounds and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

8. The Bayliffes for not repairing Broadgate Bridge and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce 'em in one pound xiijs. iiijd.

9. Jno Cook for Delving up the foot way in Crookt Acres and Annoying ye same so as not to leave a sufficient way & passage [LATIN ABBREV] and do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

10. Wm Greenough, Mr Thomas Addison, Henry Heys, David Brown, John Hardman and Robt Chaddock Esqre for obstructing and annoying ye Highway below ffishergate Barrs by laying Middings there and if not removed in a Month time do Amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

11. Ye sd Jno Hardman for annoying ye Highway below ye said Barrs by laying his Wood and Timber there and if not removed in a Months time Do amerce him in vjs. viijd.

12. Wm Lorrimer and Geo: Cutler for laying Middings before their Doors in ye publick street and if not removed in a Months time Do amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

13. Mr Stanley for not Scouring his Ditch agt ye House of Correcon in the lane leading to ye Marsh and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce him in iijs. iiijd.

14. Mr Alderman Gradwell and Evan Howson for laying Middings in ye said lane and if not removed in a Months time Amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

15. Ye Occupants of ye Marsh house for supporting and keeping up a Wall adjoining to that house Whereby the Boundarie of the Corporacon is Stopt and obstructed and if not removed on or before ye 10th May next We amerce 'em in forty shillings.

16. Jno Clayton of ye Holehouse for not repairing a Platt in the footway at his Gardenside and if not done in a Months time do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

17. Wm Morrell for not keeping up the foot way at ye side of the Brook below his house and if not repaired in a months time do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

18. Ye Supvisors for not repairing the Highway wthout ffryergate Moor yate and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce 'em in twenty shillings.

19. James Green and Robt Gurnall for not Scouring their Ditches and opening their Platts in Salter lane and if not done in a Months time do amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

20. Hugh Walker for not opening his ditch at ye side of ye Vicaridge Garden adjoining to Salter lane and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce hims vjs. viijd.

21. Hugh Clitherall, Geo: Wignall, Wm Lytham, Edwd Leatherbarrow, Geo: Rishton and Jno Clarkson for laying Middings in ye Street before their respective Barns & if not removed in a Months time Do amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

22. The Bayliffes for not laying a Plat and repairing the way at Whitacre stile near ye Almshouse and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce 'em in xiijs. iiijd.

23. Richd Whitehead for ridling his Ashes undr ye Church Wall and laying a Midding there and if not removed in a Months time Do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

24. Duncan Wright for not railing before his Cellar in Churchgate and if not done in a Months time Do amerce him in vjs. viijd.

25. Edward Farnworth, Ellis Guest, Henry Merry, Tho: Gildart, Margt Gooden, Ra: Hodgkinson, Robt Heath, Margt Hodgkinson, Jno Hodgkinson, Richard Myers and Henry Heaton for laying Middings in the Street below Churchgate Barrs and if not removed in a Months time Do amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

26. Ye Supvisors of the Highway for not repairing the Rampart leading to Churchgate Moor Yate and if not done a Months time Amerce 'em in xiijs. iiijd.

27. Sr Edwd Stanley for damaging ye Moor by getting of Gravel wthout leave from ye Corporacon and do Amerce him in xs.

28. Ye Supvisors for not Scouring the furthr end of ye watery lane leading to the Marsh to the damage of ye highway and if not done in a Months time do amerce 'em in xiijs. iiijd.

29. Jno Clayton of ye Holehouse for not Scouring his ditch and setting a good Stile at ye side of ye watery lane and if not done in a Months time Do amerce him in vjs. viijd.

30. Ye Bayliffes for not repairing the Syke upon Spittle Moss and for not repairing the Butts there and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce 'em in xvjs. viijd.

31. Ben Cardwell, Dan: Muggall and Wm Penny for laying timber on the Marsh and prjudicing ye Comon and if not removed in a Months time We Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

32. James Harrison and Henry Leach for laying Middings in the back Weend and if not removed in a Months time Do Amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

33. Jno Walton for laying Timber in the said Weend and if not removed in A Months time Do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

34. Thomas Watson for not supporting and repairing his Wall in the back the same being likely to fall to ye danger and terror of his Majties Leige people and if not done in a Months time We Amerce him in xiijs. iiijd.

35. Wm Parkinson, Nic Kellt and Wm Rawstorn Esq. for laying their Middings in ye back Weend and if not removed in a Months time Amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

36. Tho: Gurnall, James Keighley and Mr Alderman Gradwell for laying their Timber in ye back Weend and if not removed in a Months time Amerce 'em severally in vjs. viijd.

37. Mr. Stanley of ye House of Correcon for laying his brick in ye Church gate and if not removed in a month's time Do amerce him in vjs. viijd.

38. Jno Sclater at ye Kings Arms, Geo: Rishton, Mr Langton and Mr Garlick for laying their Middings in ye street below Churchgate Barrs and if not removed in a Months time Do amerce 'em severally in iijs. iiijd.

39. Ye Supvisors of ye Highways for not repairing the Highway betwixt Churchgate Almshouses and ye further end of Ribbleton lane and if not done in a Months time do Amerce 'em in 5li?.

40. Mr Langton for not Scouring his Ditch and opening the Platt adjoining to the highway in Ribbleton lane to ye prjudice and damage of the Highway and if not done in a Months time Do Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

41. Mrs Sudell and the said Mr Langton for not Scouring their ditches in Accorgate lane and if not done in a Months time do Amerce em severally in vjs. viijd.

42. Ye Supvisors for not repairing New Hall lane and if not done in a Months time We Amerce 'em in xs.

43. Richd Myers the Postmaster for not Scouring his Ditches at ye side of ye Square meadow and long Close and if not done in a Months time We Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

44. Mr Alderman Asheton for not Scouring his Ditch in New Hall lane and if not done in a Months time We Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

44. Ye Supvisors for not repairing the Highway from Churchgate Town end to Swill Brook and if not done in a Months time We amerce 'em in xxs.

45. Thomas Walne for not supporting and repairing the Brow from Swill Brook to ye prjudice of the high way and if not done in a Months time We Amerce him in vjs. viijd.

46. Jno Cumerall for delving up and ffleeceing Sods upon the Moor to the great damage of ye Comon and do amerce him in forty shillings.

47. Mrs Sudell for laying Timber before her house to ye Annoyance of ye publick street and if not removed in a Weeks time Do amerce her in vjs. viijd.

48. The severall psons hereafter mencd being ffree Burgesses of this Corporacon for not takeing the Oath appointed to be taken by every ffreeman as by the Custom of this Town and by Law they ought.

A Addison Thomas gen, Addison John gen, Alford Thomas junr, Atkinson Richard, Anderton Thomas, Astley Thomas, Astley William, Astley Thomas, Astley Richard, Aslington Wm, Adlington Thomas.

B Blackburn Edwd, Bostock James, Bostock Lawrence, Bayley Wm Miller, Bray Richd Junr, Birchall John Birchall Thomas, Bradley Richard, Bradley Wm, Bullen Thomas, Bullen Simon, Burton John, Bramwell Henry, Bramwell Edward, Bramwell Thomas, Bramwell Nicolas, Barber George, Barber Joseph, Barber Hugh, Bushell Doctor, Bushell Samuel, Banistre Rogr, Bennet Joseph, Broughton Henry, Biggins Wm.

C Clayton Hen: fil John?, Clayton John gen, Cross John, Cross Isaac, Cross Thomas, Cross Abraham, Cross Isaac, Cook Thomas, Cook John, Cooper David, Clitherall George, Clitherall Christopher, Clitherall Thomas, Cort Edward, Clarkson Robt, Crane Samuel, Crane David, Crane Rogr, Colly, James.

D Dawson Wm, Dawson Simon, Drinkwater Joseph, Darwen John.

F Fisher Henry, Fogg Chrofer, Fogg Samuel.

G Gregson Wm, Gregson Richard, Gregson John, Gregson Robt, Gregson Robt Gardiner, Gregson Henry, Greenhalgh Wm, Graystock Evan, Graystock Wm, Greenfield Thomas gen, Gurnall Joseph, Gurnall Robt, Gurnall Hugh, Gurnall Thomas, Gurnall Wm, Gurnall John, Gant John.

H Hodgkinson James Shoemaker, Hodgkinson Joseph, Hodgkinson James, Hodgkinson Henry, Hall Robt Taylor, Harrison James, Harrison Wm, Hoole Wm, Hoole John, Hulme Wm, Hulme David,

J Jackson John fil Crofers, Jackson Wm fil Thomas, Johnson als Wasle James, Jameson James.

K Kilshaw James, Kay John, Kay John Taylor.

L Leach Thomas junr, Lever James, Lever Henry, Lorrimer Wm, Lorrimer John, Lorrimer James.

M Myers John Barber, Myers Rogr, Melling W, Melling John, Melling Richd, Marsden Thomas, Marsden James, Markland James, Moor James, Mitton John.

P Patten Wm gen, Pedder Richard, Pedder Paul, Pedder Thomas, Pedder John, Pemberton Edwd gen, Place Wm, Pollard Richard, Pool John fil Will, Procter James.

Q Quignard, Wm.

R Riley Edwd, Riley Wm, Ryding Richard, Ryding Wm, Ryding John, Rydhalgh Edwd, Ravald John, Roydes Abraham, Read Edwd, Read Mathew, Read Thomas.

S Stanley Edwd Bart, Stanley Edwd gen, Stanley Henry, Stanley Edwd, Stanley Thomas, Starkie Thomas gen, Shaw Richd, Shaw Wm, Shaw Wm Esqre, Salter Lawrence, Sheppard Henry, Sudell Richd, Smith Peter, Sclater John, Southcote Wm, Santer Thomas, Sharples Richard, Singleton John Dyer, Singleton John his son, Singleton Henry, Sherington John.

T Taylor Richd Labourer, Tow[n]end Thomas, Threlfall George, Threlfall Wm.

W Winckley John Esqre, Walmesley Benjamin, Walmesley Thomas son of Henry, Walmesley John, Woodhouse Francis, Whittle Richd, Whittle Henry, Whittle Thomas, Wall Wm gen, Welshman Rogr, Wiggans Thomas, Wiggans Wm, Walker Edwd, Walton Richd, Wilson Jeremy, Whitegead Richard gen, Whitehead Thomas Esqre, White Richard, Ward Andrew, Wyke Edward.