May 1739


Richard Pedder Thos. Hardman
John Parr Peter Hodgkinson
Thos. Jackson John Bullen
Lancelot Butler Robert Hothersall
Richard Werden Henry Watson
Wm. Giller Thos. Alsop
Thos. Hodgkinson George Ainsworth
George Merry James Kilshaw
Thos. Carter  
James Rawlinson  


Jonathan Anderton for suffering his Swine to go in the Streets within this Burrough of Preston which is a Common Nusance and very Troublesome to all his Neighbours and if he permit them to do so after Notice We amerce him in 10s. 6d.

Hugh Charnley of the said Burrough of Preston Carpenter for want of a rail or Door to his Cellar Stairs in the Backweend which he has suffered to be open and uncovered for several months to the great Danger of All the Inhabitants of the said Burrough and other his Majties Subjects passing that way and if he do not fix a sufficient rail or cover the same in Six days after Notice We amerce him in 20s.

The Bailiffs of the said Burrough of Preston for neglecting their duty in their Offices in not repairing the Pump and well in the backweend which have been useless for several years for want of repair and also in not repairing the well Commonly called Kendall Well which is so far out of repair that the same is of no use or service And if they do not sufficiently repair both the said Wells and the said Pump within six days after notice of this Presentment We amerce them in five pounds.

Hugh Charnley, William Cook and _____ Valentine for severally laying & suffering Rubbish to lie and remain in the Street before their new houses in the Backweend wherewith the sd Street is greatly annoyed and if not taken away in 6 days after Notice We amerce Each of them, the sd Hugh Charnley, William Cook and _____ Valentine making default in thirty shillings.

John Cook the Younger for not repairing a Platt which he has suffered to be out of repair for the space of two years and if the said Plat be not repaired in Six day after notice We amerce him in thirty five shillings.

Lawrence Pemberton for not opening and Scouring his Ditch in the Fishergate lane which he suffers to be Stopped for want of scouring to the annoyance of the highway there & if not done in six days after Notice We amerce him in twenty shillings.

George Singleton and _______ for laying and suffering Rubbish to lie before their Shop in the backweend which is a Great annoyance to the Street & highway there And if the said Rubbish be not taken away in six days after notice We amerce them in £2. 7s. 6d.

Roger Scarisbrick for laying a Midding or Dunghill in the Backweend and Suffering the same to lie and Continue there whereby the Street & highway is much annoyed and incumbered and If the same be not taken away in six days after notice We amerce him in three pounds.

Widow Morris and the rest of the Inhabitants of the house in the Backweend who ought to open and clean the Watercourse there to the head of John Colly's Garden for not scouring and cleaning the sd Watercourse which is very much stopped & obstructed to the great Annoyance of the street and highway there And if the sd Watercourse be not well and sufficiently opened and scoured in six days after notice We amerce them in five pounds.

John Colley for not repairing the Way in a certain lane or Alley within the sd Burrough Commonly called the Dirty Alley which he has suffered to be out of repair for several years And if the said way be not cleaned & repaired in a week after notice We amerce him in fifty shillings.

Joseph Platt for laying Dung and Rubbish in the Backlane to the great Annoyance of the highway there & if the same be not taken away in six days We amerce him in forty shillings.

Wm Cook Glasier for throwing Glass into the Backweend before his shop there and if he Continue so to do afternotice We amerce him in thirty shillings.