Book 5 - 1803

The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The mayors court or court of Election holden in the Town Hall within and for the said Borough the seventh day of October in the forty third year of the reign of King George the third and in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and three.

Before Samuel Horrocks Esquire, Mayor.


Elected by the Mayor - Mr John Green Elected by the Aldermen present - Mr Hugh Waterworth

Jury returned by the Elizors

Mr Thomas Ogle Mr John Vose
Mr John Calvert Mr William Cook
Mr Henry Fisher Mr William Talbot
Mr John Troughton Mr Joseph Taylor
Mr John Whitehead Mr James Ogden
Mr John Startifant Mr Richard Thompson
Mr John Bostock Mr Thomas Dewhurst
Mr John Salter Mr William Bowran
Mr John Bullen Mr Joseph Whitehead
Mr James Salter Mr William Brakell
Mr Edward Bullen Mr Hugh Dewhurst
Mr Robert Foster Mr Richard Newsham


Who elect for mayor for the year ensuing - Daniel Lyon, Esquire.

For the Towns Bailiff - Mr Robert Friend

For the Towns Serjeant - Mr James Townsend

And the court adjourned to the 12th instant at ten oclock in the forenoon.


12th October 1803

The Court being called pursuant to the adjournment Daniel Lyon Esquire the newly elected Mayor took the oaths appointed instead of the oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the oath of his office of Mayor, the oath of Justice of the peace for the Borough, and the oath of a Coroner for the Borough and then chose for his Bailiff Mr James Mounsey and for his Serjeant Mr John Clowes.

Samuel Horrocks Esquire the late Mayor took the oath of Justice of the Peace for the before the new mayor.

And Mr Robert Friend and Mr James Mounsey took the oath of Bailiff, James Townsend the oath of Towns Serjeant and John Clowes the oath of Mayors Serjeant.


The Borough of Preston in the County of Lancaster

The Court Leet or view of free Pledges is holden in the Town Hall in and for the said Borough on Friday the Twenty eighth day of October one thousand eight hundred and three.

Before Daniel Lyon Esquire,Mayor.

Jurors to enquire as well for our Sovereign Lord the King as for the Mayor, Bailiffs and Burgesses of the said Borough.

Mr John Startifant Mr John Gradwell
Mr John Winstanley Mr Thomas Croft
Mr James Forshaw Mr John Smith
Mr Richard Walmsley Mr David Ainsworth
Mr John Scott Mr William Woodcock
Mr Thomas Mullen Mr George Costen
Mr William Millner Mr Jonathan Lodge
Mr Thomas Tomlinson Mr John Lyon
Mr William Halstead William Leighton


Who say and present as follows

We present John Lill, Innkeeper, for laying spent hops and ashes opposite his Brewhouse in the Shambles in the public street there and permitting the same to remain there an unreasonable length of time to the annoyance of the public and we amerce him in the sum of six shillings and eight pence.

We further present Mrs Ann Sumner, proprietor of the Swan in the Strait Shambles, for not having sufficiently covered a well near to the entrance into the said Shambles so that the same is dangerous to the public passing over the said well And amerce her in the sum of forty shillings, if not sufficiently repaired within one week after notice.

We recommend that Richard Walmsley, linen draper, have liberty to rail or fence off his cellar in the Cheapside so that the same may be rendered less dangerous to the public - We further present John Dent Innkeeper for not fencing or railing off his cellar from the public street in Church Street whereby the same is dangerous to passengers and amerce him in the sum of twenty shillings if not repaired within one week after notice.

We present the corporation of Preston for not repairing and cleansing a sough across the pavement in the Stoney-gate and also John Smith, the owner of the adjoining land, for not opening the mouth of the same sough so as to let the water leave a free passage thro' the same and amerce them severally in the Sum of thirteen shillings and four pence, if not amended within one week after notice.

We present Richard Baines, ______ Sanderson for placing a Stoop opposite her house in the public street in the Church Gate to the annoyance of the public and amerce her in the sum of 6 shillings and 8 pence if the same is not removed in a week after notice.

We present Richard Baines for placing four stoops in the public street in Church Gate at the entrance into Grimshaw Street and another stoop opposite the steps leading up to Lord Derbys House and another at the corner Mr(s) Myers house in in Church Street aforesaid to the annoyance of the public and amerce him in the sum of 40s if the same be not removed within one week after notice.

Officers appointed at a Court Leet held 20th October 1803.

Viewers of Fish and Flesh - John Clewes and James Townsend

Ale Founders - James Townsend and John Clewes

Afferers - Mr Alderman Grimshaw and Mr Alderman Travers

Treasurer for poor Apprentices - Mr John Green and Mr H Waterworth

House lookers for Church Street - John Barnes and William Barnes

House lookers for Friergate - James Haworth and John Wilcock

House lookers for Fishergate - " "

Pinder - John Thornton

Beadle - James Thornton

Searchers and Sealers of Leather - James Townsend Sen. and James Townsend Jun.

Constables. James Townsend, John Clowes, William Halstead, James Thompson, John Hird?, Thomas Dickinson, Thomas Hoghton, Henry Aspinall, John Scott, Thomas Knowles, Joseph Pratt, James Ogilvie, John Kirkman and Henry Wearden.


From Church Street to the minsprit wiend the Wiend and Saint Johns Lane for which he is to pay six Guineas - John Sudell

From the Town Hall corner to Fisher gate Bars - Mr John Addison - The overseers of Preston £2 12s 6d

Market place old shambles and Cheapside, Friergate from the Bars to Dr. Waltons and the anchor wiend - Richard Gregson £2 2s 0d