Frith Hall to Haverthwaite

LRO ref DDX194/47

Carrying on from the previous sheet at Skellet Hill and ref P along to Rondsea Points past ref Q to Meerness and barn. Ref R is off the sheet then comes ref S at Windermere Water opposite Lockbarrow Wood in Furness. Into the oxbow called “Calm Cruk” and beyond refs X & Y came Roundsea Gate and Cruckall Shaw

Here the referencing system changes by adding the letter j after each digit. Starting at Aj, Bj, and Cj the Fish House is reached. Then came Fj at low Wood Barn occupied by James Machell. At Jj, Kj, and Lj were Haverthwaite and Backbarrow at the other side of the river and at Mj lived widow Scotson.